Mysql 钨复制器4.0安装

Mysql 钨复制器4.0安装,mysql,tungsten-replicator,Mysql,Tungsten Replicator,我正在尝试为Mysql 5.7安装Wonder Replicator 4.0版本。我在Mysql 5.7中使用了二进制安装(tar.gz文件安装),并在bash_profile中导出了路径 /tools/tmp install命令已成功执行,但主服务和从服务均处于脱机状态。我们得到以下服务状态命令的错误信息 [tungsten@beta-388 tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-18]$ /opt/continuent//tungsten/tungsten-replicator

我正在尝试为Mysql 5.7安装Wonder Replicator 4.0版本。我在Mysql 5.7中使用了二进制安装(tar.gz文件安装),并在

/tools/tmp install

[tungsten@beta-388 tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-18]$ /opt/continuent//tungsten/tungsten-replicator/bin/trepctl services

Processing services command...

NAME              VALUE
----              -----
appliedLastSeqno: -1
appliedLatency  : -1.0
role            : master
serviceName     : beta182_183
serviceType     : unknown
started         : true
state           : OFFLINE:ERROR

NAME              VALUE
----              -----
**appliedLastSeqno**:**** **Unknown**
**appliedLatency  **:**** **Unknown**
**role**            **:** **Unknown**
serviceName     : beta183_182
serviceType     : Unknown
started         : false
state           : Unknown

Finished services command...

任何人都可以分享如何解决这个错误吗?我已多次尝试授予该文件的所有权限,并卸载和重新安装了Wow。Mysql 5.7版不支持Wow 4.0版,


[tungsten@beta-388 tungsten-replicator-4.0.0-18]$ /opt/continuent//tungsten/tungsten-replicator/bin/trepctl -service beta182_183 status

Processing status command...

NAME                     VALUE
----                     -----
appliedLastEventId     : NONE
appliedLastSeqno       : -1
appliedLatency         : -1.0
autoRecoveryEnabled    : true
autoRecoveryTotal      : 0
channels               : -1
clusterName            : beta182_183
currentEventId         : NONE
currentTimeMillis      : 1579684465335
dataServerHost         :
extensions             :
host                   :
latestEpochNumber      : -1
masterConnectUri       : thls://localhost:/
masterListenUri        : thls://
maximumStoredSeqNo     : -1
minimumStoredSeqNo     : -1
offlineRequests        : NONE
pendingError           : Replicator unable to go online due to error
pendingErrorCode       : NONE
pendingErrorEventId    : NONE
pendingErrorSeqno      : -1
pendingExceptionMessage: **Unable to prepare plugin: class name=com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THL message=[Error while attempting to acquire file lock: /opt/continuent/thl/beta182_183/disklog.lck]**
pipelineSource         : UNKNOWN
relativeLatency        : -1.0
resourcePrecedence     : 99
rmiPort                : 10110
role                   : master
seqnoType              : java.lang.Long
serviceName            : beta182_183
serviceType            : unknown
simpleServiceName      : beta182_183
siteName               : default
sourceId               :
state                  : OFFLINE:ERROR
timeInStateSeconds     : 15.744
timezone               : GMT
transitioningTo        :
uptimeSeconds          : 15.931
useSSLConnection       : true
version                : Tungsten Replicator 4.0.0 build 18

Finished status command...