
NetLogo:计算面片集的地理中心,netlogo,Netlogo,我在NetLogo中为领土选择建模,海龟们在这里挑选一个领土中心开始补丁,然后根据补丁的价值从那里构建一个领土。海龟总是在获得一个新补丁后返回起始补丁,然后选择、移动到并获得下一个最有价值的补丁。在选择一个区域后,海龟知道它拥有哪些补丁,补丁也知道它们的主人 最终,一块领土的起始区域可能不会成为真正的地理中心。在海龟选择了它的领地后,我该如何要求它评估领地,确定地理中心,并计算起始斑块与领地真正中心的距离?注意:我不想强迫海龟将起始补丁保留在地理中心,他们可以自由选择任何他们想要的补丁。但我可能





to setup

  let n 70

  ask one-of patches [
    set pcolor red

  while [ ( count patches with [pcolor = red ] ) < n ] [
    ask one-of patches with [ pcolor = red ] [
      ask one-of neighbors4 [set pcolor red ]


  let xmean mean [pxcor] of patches with [ pcolor = red ]
  print xmean
  let ymean mean [pycor] of patches with [ pcolor = red ]
  print ymean

  ask patch xmean ymean [ set pcolor blue



to assess-geographic-center
     let xmean mean [pxcor] of patches with [ owner = myself ]
     let ymean mean [pycor] of patches with [ owner = myself ]
     ask patch xmean ymean [ set pcolor black ]  ;; make the geographic center visible
     let geographic-center patch xmean ymean  
     let distance-away distance geographic-center  ;; the turtle is on its start-patch when assessing this distance
     ifelse distance-away <= 5   
        [ set established true ]  ;; turtle is happy if start-patch and geographic-center are approximately equal, territory "established"
        [ move-to geographic-center  ;; otherwise, turtle moves to geographic-center,
          reposition ]  ;; and follows a procedure "reposition" to makes this the new start-patch and repick the territory

to assess-geographic-center
     let xmean mean [pxcor] of patches with [ owner = myself ]
     let ymean mean [pycor] of patches with [ owner = myself ]
     ask patch xmean ymean [ set pcolor black ]  ;; make the geographic center visible
     let geographic-center patch xmean ymean  
     let distance-away distance geographic-center  ;; the turtle is on its start-patch when assessing this distance
     ifelse distance-away <= 5   
        [ set established true ]  ;; turtle is happy if start-patch and geographic-center are approximately equal, territory "established"
        [ move-to geographic-center  ;; otherwise, turtle moves to geographic-center,
          reposition ]  ;; and follows a procedure "reposition" to makes this the new start-patch and repick the territory