Node.js 使用MONGOOSE查询顶级子文档数组,只返回数组中最近的N个子文档

Node.js 使用MONGOOSE查询顶级子文档数组,只返回数组中最近的N个子文档,node.js,mongodb,mongoose,posts,subdocument,Node.js,Mongodb,Mongoose,Posts,Subdocument,我正在寻找查询中需要的条件、字段等,或者一个异步流来查询一个在顶层有子文档数组的文档 型号: let postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ date : {type: Boolean, require: true}, message : {type: String, require: true} }); let Post = new mongoose.Schema({ locid: {type: String, unique: {inde



let postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    date : {type: Boolean, require: true},
    message : {type: String, require: true}

let Post = new mongoose.Schema({
    locid: {type: String, unique: {indexed: true}, require: true},
    posts : {type: [postSchema], require: false}

Post.methods.getLastTwentyPostsForOne = function (locid) {
    return new Promise(function (values, error) {
        let p = new Post();
        p.find({"locid" : locid}, {/*...the conditions and elements here...*/}).exec()
            .then(function (found) {

                //..would return the last 20 posts, or less if there are less...

            }, function (err) {
                //..handle errors..
function returnLastTwenty(posts) {
    return new Promise(function (results) {
        if (posts.length === 0) {
            return results([]);
        if (posts.length <= 20) {
            return results(posts);
        let length = posts.length;
        var next = [];
        for (i = length - 21; i < (length -1); i++) {
        if (next.length === 20) {
            return results(next);
        } else {
            console.log('Some Error: found more than 20 posts, but parsed less');
            return results(next)

Post.methods.getLastTwentyPostsForOne = function (locid) {
    return new Promise(function (values, error) {
        let p = new Post();
        p.find({"locid" : locid})
            .then(function (found) {
                if (found.length === 1) {
                        .then(function (results) {
                            return values(results)
                } else {
                    return error("Didn't find a unique document for locid: " + locid);
            }, function (err) {
                return error(err)


Post.methods.getLastTwentyPostsForOne = function (locid) {
    return new Promise(function (values, error) {
        let p = new Post();
        p.find({"locid" : locid}, {/*...the conditions and elements here...*/}).exec()
            .then(function (found) {

                //..would return the last 20 posts, or less if there are less...

            }, function (err) {
                //..handle errors..
function returnLastTwenty(posts) {
    return new Promise(function (results) {
        if (posts.length === 0) {
            return results([]);
        if (posts.length <= 20) {
            return results(posts);
        let length = posts.length;
        var next = [];
        for (i = length - 21; i < (length -1); i++) {
        if (next.length === 20) {
            return results(next);
        } else {
            console.log('Some Error: found more than 20 posts, but parsed less');
            return results(next)

Post.methods.getLastTwentyPostsForOne = function (locid) {
    return new Promise(function (values, error) {
        let p = new Post();
        p.find({"locid" : locid})
            .then(function (found) {
                if (found.length === 1) {
                        .then(function (results) {
                            return values(results)
                } else {
                    return error("Didn't find a unique document for locid: " + locid);
            }, function (err) {
                return error(err)

此外,在进行一些挖掘时,发现了一种基于日期间隔查询数组中子文档的日期元素的方法,这要归功于以下文章: 及 . 对于那些可能想要这样东西的人

function getPostsBetween(recentDate, farthestDate, forLocid) {
    return new Promise(function (posts, none) {
            {'$match': {'locid': forLocid}},
            {'$unwind' : '$posts'},
            {'$match' :
                {'$and': [
                    {'': {'$gt': new Date(farthestDate.toISOString())}},
                    {'': {'$lt': new Date(recentDate.toISOString())}}
            {"$group" : {
                '_id' : '$_id',
                "posts" : {'$push' : '$posts'}
            .catch(function (err) {
                return none(err);
            .then(function (found) {
                if (found.length === 0 || found.length > 1) return none();
                return found(found[0].posts);
