Numbers 更改if语句中的值

Numbers 更改if语句中的值,numbers,applescript,Numbers,Applescript,我试图遍历一列数字,如果单元格有特定的背景色,则更改单元格的背景色 repeat with i from 11 to the count of cells by 6 if background color of cell i is {17990, 47031, 42919} then set background color of cell i to {65535, 0, 0} end if end repeat


repeat with i from 11 to the count of cells by 6

            if background color of cell i is {17990, 47031, 42919} then
                set background color of cell i to {65535, 0, 0}
            end if

end repeat




use NumbersApp : application "Numbers"

property document : a reference to document 1 of NumbersApp
property sheet : a reference to active sheet of my document
property table : a reference to table 1 of my sheet

repeat with c in (a reference to every cell of my table)
    if c's background color = missing value then ¬
        set c's background color to {65535, 65535, 0}
    if c's background color = {65535, 0, 65535} then ¬
        set c's background color to {65535, 65535, 65535}
end repeat


return the background color of cell "C7" of my table
    --> {64587, 609, 65480}


return the background color of cell "D10" in my table
    --> {65534, 65531, 2689}


set the background color of every cell in my table ¬
    whose background color is {65534, 65531, 2689} ¬
    to {0, 0, 0}




use NumbersApp : application "Numbers"

property document : a reference to document 1 of NumbersApp
property sheet : a reference to active sheet of my document
property table : a reference to table 1 of my sheet

repeat with c in (a reference to every cell of my table)
    if c's background color = missing value then ¬
        set c's background color to {65535, 65535, 0}
    if c's background color = {65535, 0, 65535} then ¬
        set c's background color to {65535, 65535, 65535}
end repeat


return the background color of cell "C7" of my table
    --> {64587, 609, 65480}


return the background color of cell "D10" in my table
    --> {65534, 65531, 2689}


set the background color of every cell in my table ¬
    whose background color is {65534, 65531, 2689} ¬
    to {0, 0, 0}




tell application "Numbers"
    set ifColor to {17990, 47031, 42919}
    set ifColor2 to {17990, 47030, 42919}
    set changeToColor to {65535, 0, 0}
    tell its document 1
        set theColumns to name of columns of table "Table 1" of active sheet
        set chosenColumn to item 1 of (choose from list theColumns with title "Choose The Column" with prompt "Choose The Column")
        set cellCount to count of cells of column chosenColumn of table "Table 1" of active sheet
        repeat with i from 11 to cellCount by 6
            set thisCell to cell ((chosenColumn & i) as string) of table "Table 1" of active sheet
            if background color of thisCell is ifColor or background color of thisCell is ifColor2 then
                set background color of thisCell to changeToColor
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell



tell application "Numbers"
    set ifColor to {17990, 47031, 42919}
    set ifColor2 to {17990, 47030, 42919}
    set changeToColor to {65535, 0, 0}
    tell its document 1
        set theColumns to name of columns of table "Table 1" of active sheet
        set chosenColumn to item 1 of (choose from list theColumns with title "Choose The Column" with prompt "Choose The Column")
        set cellCount to count of cells of column chosenColumn of table "Table 1" of active sheet
        repeat with i from 11 to cellCount by 6
            set thisCell to cell ((chosenColumn & i) as string) of table "Table 1" of active sheet
            if background color of thisCell is ifColor or background color of thisCell is ifColor2 then
                set background color of thisCell to changeToColor
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell



on areRealsEqual(n1, n2, toleranceMargin)
  return n1 > n2 - toleranceMargin and n1 < n2 + toleranceMargin
end areRealsEqual

on areColorsEqual(c1, c2)
  repeat with i from 1 to length of c1
    if not areRealsEqual(item i of c1, item i of c2, 5) then return false
  end repeat
  return true
end areColorsEqual

set expectedColor to {17990, 47031, 42919}
set foundColor to {17990, 47030, 42919}

areColorsEqual(expectedColor, foundColor)
--> true



on areRealsEqual(n1, n2, toleranceMargin)
  return n1 > n2 - toleranceMargin and n1 < n2 + toleranceMargin
end areRealsEqual

on areColorsEqual(c1, c2)
  repeat with i from 1 to length of c1
    if not areRealsEqual(item i of c1, item i of c2, 5) then return false
  end repeat
  return true
end areColorsEqual

set expectedColor to {17990, 47031, 42919}
set foundColor to {17990, 47030, 42919}

areColorsEqual(expectedColor, foundColor)
--> true

偏差明确指出了用户脚本、应用程序和/或底层操作系统框架中的实现缺陷。假设是后两者之一,你可以在include number和AppleScript文件中提交雷达报告,清楚地显示错误,但最好不要屏住呼吸等待修复,因为AppleScript在几年前进入了维护模式,因此除安全漏洞之外的任何其他问题都将处于非常低的优先级。与实际背景颜色值的返回结果相比,我不确定您的解决方案是否涵盖了响应用户定义的背景颜色值的所有基础{179904703142919}->{179904703042919}因为如果您要求脚本返回更改为{65535,0,0}的单元格的值的颜色,在我这边,返回的值是{646334661797}如果用户选择与他最初选择的背景颜色不同的背景颜色,则数字可能会相差很远,而“一对一”错误可能是由于固有的FP不精确性造成的,较大的偏差肯定指向用户脚本、应用程序和/或底层操作系统框架中的实现错误。假设它处于启用状态在后两种情况中,你可以在include number和AppleScript文件中提交雷达报告,清楚地说明错误,但最好不要屏息等待修复,因为AppleScript在几年前进入了维护模式,所以除了安全漏洞以外的任何东西都将是非常低优先级的。非常感谢-我还尝试让AppleScript设置C颜色并返回它们,收到了相同的行为。非常不幸,但我想我必须找到另一种方法来选择我的数据,而不是颜色。无论如何,这不是最好的主意,我猜非常感谢-我还尝试让applescript设置颜色并返回它们,收到了相同的行为。非常不幸,但我想我不得不这样做找到另一种方法来选择我的数据而不是颜色。我想这不是最好的主意