
Oracle新手错误:ORA-00904使用“case-when”时标识符无效,oracle,identifier,ora-00904,case-when,Oracle,Identifier,Ora 00904,Case When,我在查询中遇到一个错误。此查询正常,返回用于分页的selects和rownums数据: select * from (select a.*, rownum rnum from (select id_edition, id_document, name, extension, creation_date, url, (select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and id_third =


select *
from (select a.*, rownum rnum
from (select id_edition, id_document, name, extension, creation_date, url, 
(select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and id_third =     12345) inscription_date
from upd_edition_doc_d0
where id_edition = 1071591
order by creation_date desc) a
where rownum <= 10 )
where rnum >= 1






select *
from (select a.*, rownum rnum
  from (select id_edition, id_document, name, extension, creation_date, 
           (select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and  id_third = 12345) inscription_date,
           case when trunc((select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and  id_third = 12345) + 90) <= trunc(sysdate) then null
             else url
           end as url
           from upd_edition_doc_d0
           where id_edition = 1071591
           order by creation_date desc) a
   where rownum <= 10 )
where rnum >= 1

select *
from (select a.*, 
      case when trunc(inscription_date + 90) <= trunc(sysdate) then null
       else url
      end as url,
      rownum rnum
  from (select id_edition, id_document, name, extension, creation_date, 
           (select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and  id_third = 12345) inscription_date
           from upd_edition_doc_d0
           where id_edition = 1071591
           order by creation_date desc) a
   where rownum <= 10 )
where rnum >= 1

select *
from (select a.*, rownum rnum
  from (select id_edition, id_document, name, extension, creation_date, 
           (select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and  id_third = 12345) inscription_date,
           case when trunc((select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and  id_third = 12345) + 90) <= trunc(sysdate) then null
             else url
           end as url
           from upd_edition_doc_d0
           where id_edition = 1071591
           order by creation_date desc) a
   where rownum <= 10 )
where rnum >= 1
select *
from (select a.*, 
      case when trunc(inscription_date + 90) <= trunc(sysdate) then null
       else url
      end as url,
      rownum rnum
  from (select id_edition, id_document, name, extension, creation_date, 
           (select inscription_date from edition_student_d0 where id_edition = 12345 and  id_third = 12345) inscription_date
           from upd_edition_doc_d0
           where id_edition = 1071591
           order by creation_date desc) a
   where rownum <= 10 )
where rnum >= 1