Parsing 数据收集任务

Parsing 数据收集任务,parsing,formatting,Parsing,Formatting,我有这样的数据: ID Name1 Name2 Name3 Name4 ..... 41242 MCJ5X TUAW OXVM4 Kcmev 1 93532 AVEV2 WCRB3 LPAQ 2 DVL2 . . . 到目前为止,这只是电子表格的格式,大约有6000行。我需要做的是为Name1之后的每个名称创建一个新行,并将其与其当前行上的ID关联。例如,请参见以下内容: ID Name1 4124


ID      Name1     Name2    Name3    Name4    .....
41242   MCJ5X     TUAW     OXVM4    Kcmev 1
93532   AVEV2     WCRB3    LPAQ 2   DVL2

ID      Name1 
41242   MCJ5X     
41242   TUAW    
41242   OXVM4    
41242   Kcmev 1
93532   AVEV2     
93532   WCRB3    
93532   LPAQ 2   
93532   DVL2



read everything into a string array
create a 1 to many data structure (maybe a Dictionary<string, List<string>> or list of (string, string) tuple types)

loop over each line of the file
splice the current line on the ','s and loop over those
if this is the first splice, add a new item to the 1 to many data structure with the current splice as the Id
otherwise, add this splice to the "many" (name) part of the last item in the data structure

create a new csv file or open the old one for writing
output the "ID, Name1" row
loop over each 1-many item in the data collection
loop over the many items in the current 1-many item
output the 1 (id) + "," + current many item (current name)

