使用php正则表达式从html文档live url获取任何用户输入的html标记

使用php正则表达式从html文档live url获取任何用户输入的html标记,php,html,tags,fetch,Php,Html,Tags,Fetch,我想取得任何元,标题,脚本,链接标签,是HTML页面上可用的,这是我写的程序(不正确,但会给专家的想法) 谢谢 在使用正则表达式解析HTML之前,您需要从中读取第一个答案 尝试使用DOMDocument,如下所示: <? function get_tags($tags, $url) { // Create a new DOM Document to hold our webpage structure $xml = new DOMDocument(); //






function get_tags($tags, $url) {

    // Create a new DOM Document to hold our webpage structure
    $xml = new DOMDocument();

    // Load the url's contents into the DOM

    // Empty array to hold all links to return
    $tags_found = array();

    //Loop through each <$tags> tag in the dom and add it to the $tags_found array
    foreach($xml->getElementsByTagName($tags) as $tag) {
        $tags_found[] = array('tag' => $tags, 'text' => $tag->nodeValue);

    //Return the links
    return $tags_found;

print_r(get_tags('title', 'http://stackoverflow.com'));



#<(meta|title|script|link)(?: .*?)?(?:/>|>(.*?)<(?:/\1)>)#is
| |>(.*)是
如果要在函数中使用此选项,则必须编写$tag|u name,而不是“meta | title | script | link”



function get_tags($tags, $url) {

    // Create a new DOM Document to hold our webpage structure
    $xml = new DOMDocument();

    // Load the url's contents into the DOM

    // Empty array to hold all links to return
    $tags_found = array();

    //Loop through each <$tags> tag in the dom and add it to the $tags_found array
    foreach($xml->getElementsByTagName($tags) as $tag) {
        $tags_found[] = array('tag' => $tags, 'text' => $tag->nodeValue);

    //Return the links
    return $tags_found;

print_r(get_tags('title', 'http://stackoverflow.com'));

#<(meta|title|script|link)(?: .*?)?(?:/>|>(.*?)<(?:/\1)>)#is
function get_tags($tag, $url) {
//allow for improperly formatted html
// Instantiate DOMDocument Class to parse html DOM
$xml = new DOMDocument();

// Load the file into the DOMDocument object

// Empty array to hold all links to return
$tags = array();

//Loop through all tags of the given type and store details in the array
foreach($xml->getElementsByTagName($tag) as $tag_found) {
      if ($tag_found->tagName == "meta")
        $tags[] = array("meta_name" => $tag_found->getAttribute("name"), "meta_value" => $tag_found->getAttribute("content"));
      else {
    $tags[] = array('tag' => $tag_found->tagName, 'text' => $tag_found->nodeValue);

//Return the links
return $tags;