Php Yii框架:UserLoginWidget

Php Yii框架:UserLoginWidget,php,dialog,yii,Php,Dialog,Yii,我试图在CWidget和cguidialog的帮助下重新创建用户登录小部件 当我点击登录链接时,对话框应该会打开登录表单 我使用了以下示例:, 我大部分都明白,但我在这一点上被卡住了。不确定这部分代码的含义: public function renderContent() { $form=new User; if(isset($_POST['user'])) { $form->attributes=$_POST['user']; if



我使用了以下示例:, 我大部分都明白,但我在这一点上被卡住了。不确定这部分代码的含义:

public function renderContent()
    $form=new User;
        if($form->validate() && $form->login()){
            $url = $this->controller->createUrl('site/index');


public function renderContent()
    // Var to store data sent by client browser
    $form=new User;
    // Check if the post request has defined the user variable
        // fill the $form attributes with the values sent by the web form in the post request
        // validate the form data and then check if the data is valid to login the user
        // - the validate call is where the framework check if the data is valid
        //   against the model (e.g. user field must be text, not empty...)
        // - the login call is where you should encode your user validation, check for validity against the database or whatever you want
        if($form->validate() && $form->login()){
            // create the url where the client browser is going to be redirected
            $url = $this->controller->createUrl('site/index');
            // render a 302 redirection to the new page
    // if the request doesn't contain the 'user' variable, or if the validation/login calls have failed, render again the form. In the case of errors, they'll be shown in the 'errorSummary' section.

<?php $this->widget('your class name'); ?>

<?php $this->widget('your class name'); ?>
public function renderContent()
    $form=new User;//create User model
    if(isset($_POST['user']))// process when client submit (login)
        $form->attributes=$_POST['user'];//add attribute from form in client
        if($form->validate() && $form->login()){//validate and check login using User class created in first line of this function
            $url = $this->controller->createUrl('site/index');//create url for redirect after login successfully
    $this->render('login',array('form'=>$form));//if it is not in submiting or login fail, we will go this code, it render the login form