
获取HTML输入框的字段值,这些字段值为;呼应;PHP内部,php,html,Php,Html,我正在尝试创建一个登录/激活页面(作为任务要求的一部分),如果激活成功,用户将看到登录页面。我在PHP块中有登录页面的HTML代码(因为我不知道隐藏表单的最安全和最安全的方法),我想知道如何获取用户在用户名、密码字段中输入的信息 这是我的密码: <?php /* Project information: * Author: Michael Warren * FileName: login.php * Creation Date: 9/12/2014 */ // create var



/* Project information:
 * Author: Michael Warren
 * FileName: login.php
 * Creation Date: 9/12/2014
// create variables for userName (or email address), password, needsActivation, activationCode
$userName = "";
$password = "";
$needsActivation = ((isset($_POST["activate"])) ? (bool)($_POST["activate"]) : false);
$activationCode = "";

// variable to check if the current user of this page has been activated
$userActivated = !($needsActivation);

// JavaScript messages that tell the user the status of their activation
$activationSuccess = '<script>alert("Activation successful! Bringing up the log in page.");</script>';
$activationFailed = '<script>alert("Activation failed. You have been sent another activation e-mail.");</script>';

// JavaScript messages that tell the user about the login
$missingUserName = '<script>alert("Username required.");</script>';
$missingPassword = '<script>alert("Password required");</script>';
$invalidUserName = '<script>alert("Invalid username entered.");</script>';
$invalidPassword = '<script>alert("Invalid password entered.");</script>';
$successfulLogin = '<script>alert("You have successfully logged in!");</script>';

if ($needsActivation)
    // get the information from the query string (or the POSTed data)
    $userName = $_POST["name"];
    $password = $_POST["password"];
    $activationCode = $_POST["activationCode"];
    // check the activationCode
    // if the activationCode checks out (in this project, that just means that the length of the activation code is 50 characters)
    if (strlen($activationCode) == 50)
        // user has been activated
        $userActivated = true;
        // send email and/or JavaScript message telling them that
        echo $activationSuccess;
            "Activation Successful",
Your activation was a success. You can now use this site. Your login credentials are as follows:

UserName: $userName
Password: $password
        // otherwise
            // deny access to login page
            // send email to the user to try again, and inform them that it has been done
            echo $activationFailed;
    if ($userActivated)
        // show the login page
        echo <<<HERE
        <div id="contents">
            <div id="clearfix">
                <div id="main">
                    <p>Log in to the site using your e-mail as your password.</p>
                    <form class="message">
                            <p class="descriptor">User name: </p><input type="text" name="userNameField" value=""></input>
                            <p class="descriptor">Password: </p><input type="password" name="passwordField" value=""></input>
                        <input type="submit" name="LogInButton" value="Log in"></input>

    function checkLogin()


如果您计划将表单发回PHP,请在表单上设置一个action属性,并通过submit按钮进行发布,在服务器端,您可以从$\u post数组访问这些值


IF(isset($\u POST['LogInButton'))
$\u POST['username']
$\u POST['password']
将包含用户在字段中输入的内容。这就是我所想的。$\u POST数组是否会包含来自输入字段的值,就好像HTML是在PHP块之外声明的一样?也就是说,我可以像往常一样使用我的一个想法并按名称从字段中捕获输入吗?浏览器永远不会知道它们被声明在哪里,所以它们的行为通常会像普通表单一样。这是因为,对于PHP代码来说,所有HTML/CSS/JavaScript都只是字符串吗?@MikeWarren这是正确的。它们只是线。客户端处理的这些字符串的解释由浏览器负责。在呈现页面后,只需查看源代码,您将看到纯html/css/js