PHP中的特定URL If语句

PHP中的特定URL If语句,php,wordpress,plugins,Php,Wordpress,Plugins,我试图添加一个if语句,该语句仅在url等于某个位置时,才会在这个wordpress插件中执行移动重定向。我假设它将被放置在决定浏览器是否可移动的位置。我尝试了一些不同的代码,但没有成功。任何帮助都将不胜感激 <?php /* Plugin Name: Mobile Redirect Description: Select a URL to point mobile users to Author: Ozette Plugins Version: 1.4.1 Author URI:


Plugin Name: Mobile Redirect
Description: Select a URL to point mobile users to
Author: Ozette Plugins
Version: 1.4.1
Author URI:

/*  Copyright 2013 Ozette Plugins (email :

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
    published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


$ios_mobile_redirect = new IOS_Mobile_Redirect();

register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, 'uninstall_mobile_redirect' );
function uninstall_mobile_redirect() {
    delete_option( 'mobileredirecturl' );
    delete_option( 'mobileredirecttoggle' );
    delete_option( 'mobileredirectmode' );
    delete_option( 'mobileredirecttablet' );

class IOS_Mobile_Redirect{

    function __construct() { //init function
        add_action( 'admin_init', array( &$this, 'admin_init' ) );
        add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$this, 'admin_menu' ) );
        add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'template_redirect' ) );
        // upgrade option from 1.1 to 1.2
        if ( get_option( 'mobileredirecttoggle' ) == 'true' )
            update_option( 'mobileredirecttoggle', true );

    function admin_init() {
        add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_'. plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), array( &$this, 'plugin_action_links' ), 10, 4 );

    function plugin_action_links( $actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context ) {
        if ( is_plugin_active( $plugin_file ) )
            $actions[] = '<a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php?page=simple-mobile-url-redirect/mobile-redirect.php') . '">Configure</a>';
        return $actions;

    function admin_menu() {
        add_submenu_page( 'options-general.php', __( 'Mobile Redirect', 'mobile-redirect' ), __( 'Mobile Redirect', 'mobile-redirect' ), 'administrator', __FILE__, array( &$this, 'page' ) );

    function page() { //admin options page

        //do stuff if form is submitted
        if ( isset( $_POST['mobileurl'] ) ) {
            update_option( 'mobileredirecturl', esc_url_raw( $_POST['mobileurl'] ) );
            update_option( 'mobileredirecttoggle', isset( $_POST['mobiletoggle'] ) ? true : false );

            update_option( 'mobileredirectmode', intval( $_POST['mobilemode'] ) );
            update_option( 'mobileredirecttablet', isset( $_POST['mobileredirecttablet'] ) );

            update_option( 'mobileredirectonce', isset( $_POST['mobileredirectonce'] ) ? true : false );
            update_option( 'mobileredirectoncedays', intval( $_POST['mobileredirectoncedays'] ) );

            echo '<div class="updated"><p>' . __( 'Updated', 'mobile-redirect' ) . '</p></div>';

        <div class="wrap"><h2><?php _e( 'Mobile Redirect', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?></h2>
            <?php _e( 'If the checkbox is checked, and a valid URL is inputted, this site will redirect to the specified URL when visited by a mobile device.', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>
            <?php // _e( 'This does not include the iPad, but will include most other mobile devices.', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>

        <form method="post">
            <label for="mobiletoggle"><?php _e( 'Enable Redirect:', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>
            <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="mobiletoggle" id="mobiletoggle" <?php checked( get_option('mobileredirecttoggle', ''), 1 ); ?> /></label>
            <label for="mobileurl"><?php _e( 'Redirect URL:', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>
            <input type="text" name="mobileurl" id="mobileurl" value="<?php echo esc_url( get_option('mobileredirecturl', '') ); ?>" /></label>
            <label for="mobilemode"><?php _e( 'Redirect Mode:', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>
            <select id="mobilemode" name="mobilemode">
                <option value="301" <?php selected( get_option('mobileredirectmode', 301 ), 301 ); ?>>301</option>
                <option value="302" <?php selected( get_option('mobileredirectmode'), 302 ); ?>>302</option>
            <label for="mobileredirecttablet"><?php _e( 'Redirect Tablets:', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>
            <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="mobileredirecttablet" id="mobileredirecttablet" <?php checked( get_option('mobileredirecttablet', ''), 1 ); ?> /></label>
            <label for="mobileredirectonce"><?php _e( 'Redirect Once:', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>
            <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="mobileredirectonce" id="mobileredirectonce" <?php checked( get_option('mobileredirectonce', ''), 1 ); ?> /></label>
            <label for="mobileredirectoncedays"><?php _e( 'Redirect Once Cookie Expiry:', 'mobile-redirect' ); ?>
            <input type="text" name="mobileredirectoncedays" id="mobileredirectoncedays" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option('mobileredirectoncedays', 7 ) ); ?>" /> days.</label>
            <span class="description">If <em>Redirect Once</em> is checked, a cookie will be set for the user to prevent them from being continually redirected to the same page. This cookie will expire by default after 7 days. Setting to zero or less is effectively the same as unchecking Redirect Once</span>
            <?php submit_button(); ?>

        <div class="copyFooter">Plugin written by <a href="">Ozette Plugins</a>.</div>

    function is_mobile() {
        $mobile_browser = '0';
        if(preg_match('/(up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone)/i', strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) {
        if((strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']),'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml')>0) or ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE']) or isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE'])))) {
        $mobile_ua = strtolower(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],0,4));
        $mobile_agents = array(
            'w3c ','acs-','alav','alca','amoi','audi','avan','andr','benq','bird','blac',
        if(in_array($mobile_ua,$mobile_agents)) {
        if (isset($_SERVER['ALL_HTTP']) && strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['ALL_HTTP']),'OperaMini')>0) {
        if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']),'mobile safari')>0) {
        if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']),'windows')>0) {
        if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']),'android')>0) {
            //if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']),'gecko')>0) {

        if($mobile_browser>0) { return true; }
        else { return false; }

    function template_redirect() {
        //check if tablet box is checked
        if( get_option('mobileredirecttablet') == 0){
            //redirect non-tablets
            if(!self::is_mobile() )
        } else {
            // not mobile
            if ( ! wp_is_mobile() )

        // not enabled
        if ( ! get_option('mobileredirecttoggle') )

        $mr_url = esc_url( get_option('mobileredirecturl', '') );
        // empty url
        if ( empty( $mr_url ) )

        $cur_url = esc_url("http://". $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] );
        $cookiedays = intval( get_option( 'mobileredirectoncedays', 7 ) );
        // cookie can be expired by setting to a negative number
        // but it's better just to uncheck the redirect once option
        if ( $cookiedays <= 0 || ! get_option( 'mobileredirectonce' ) ) {
            setcookie( 'mobile_single_redirect', true, time()-(60*60), '/' );

        // make sure we don't redirect to ourself
        if ( $mr_url != $cur_url ) {
            if ( isset( $_COOKIE['mobile_single_redirect'] ) ) return;

            if ( get_option( 'mobileredirectonce', '' ) )
                setcookie( 'mobile_single_redirect', true, time()+(60*60*24*$cookiedays ), '/' );

            wp_redirect( $mr_url, get_option('mobileredirectmode', '301' ) );


// eof


if($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == "") {
  // Logic here.


if($mobile_browser>0) { return true; }
        else { return false; }

$certainLocation = "";

if($mobile_browser>0 && $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == $certainLocation) { return true; }
            else { return false; }

你的意思是,如果用户来自某个URL,URL referer?对于我的主页,我希望将用户定向到移动页面。对于我网站上的任何其他页面,我不希望用户被重定向。我的代码将执行下面您想要的操作。如果用户来自您的主页,并且他们在移动设备上,它将引导,否则它将不会重定向。我将尝试一下。啊,这很有意义。不幸的是,它现在甚至没有重定向。嗯,那么你的声明中不能有准确的URL,这是我想到的第一件事。但我已经检查并再次检查了URL。虽然我不确定我的问题在哪里,但这段代码还是有意义的。我已经解决了$certainLocation=“/”使脚本实现了我想要的功能!再次感谢你!!