Php Amazon SES设置不适用于codeigniter

Php Amazon SES设置不适用于codeigniter,php,codeigniter,email,amazon-web-services,amazon-ses,Php,Codeigniter,Email,Amazon Web Services,Amazon Ses,我将Amazon SES与codeigniter一起使用。以下是我的(非工作)SES配置文件: <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * Config for the Amazon Simple Email Service library * * @see ../libraries/Amazon_ses.php */ //$this->load->li

我将Amazon SES与

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * Config for the Amazon Simple Email Service library
 * @see ../libraries/Amazon_ses.php
$config['amazon_ses_secret_key'] = 'sdsdfsdfsdfsdfsfdsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfs';
$config['amazon_ses_access_key'] = 'sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdbds';

// Adresses
$config['amazon_ses_from'] = '';
$config['amazon_ses_from_name'] = 'krishantha';
$config['amazon_ses_reply_to'] = '';

// Path to certificate to verify SSL connection (i.e. 'certs/cacert.pem') 
$config['amazon_ses_cert_path'] =  'certs/cacert.pem';

// Charset to be used, for example UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 or Shift_JIS. The SMTP
// protocol uses 7-bit ASCII by default
$config['amazon_ses_charset'] = '';


        // Configure and send email

        $this->amazon_ses->subject('Open me!');
        $this->amazon_ses->message('<strong>Use HTML</strong>');
        if ($this->amazon_ses->send()) {

            echo "Successfully sent!";
        } else {

            echo "Failure!";