php mysql“;“喜欢按钮”;通知

php mysql“;“喜欢按钮”;通知,php,mysql,Php,Mysql,编写php/mysql代码将与某篇文章相关的所有“喜欢”分组,甚至显示单击“喜欢”按钮的人的最短方法是什么,如以下示例所示: John、Mary、Brian和其他人喜欢这条评论因为您没有给出任何其他详细信息,除了您想要的内容之外,这都是基于您的数据库可能如何设置的假设 SQL查询: SELECT * FROM likes WHERE (comment or post id) = 'ID' post_id是您希望分组的对象,因此,例如,如果每个评论都有自己的id,那么您希望根据该id对您喜欢的





 SELECT * FROM likes WHERE (comment or post id) = 'ID'


$num = 0; // This is used as an identifier
$numrows = mysqli_num_rows($getdata); // Count the number of likes on your comment or post

if($numrows > 3) { 
    $ending = 'and others like this comment.'; // If there are more than 3 likes, it ends this way
} else { 
    $ending = 'like this comment.'; // If there are less than or equal to 3 likes, it will end this way

while($data = mysqli_fetch_array($getdata)) {
    if($num => 3) { // This says that if the $num is less than or equal to 3, do the following
        // This will be used to list the first 3 names from your database and put them in a string like: name1, name2, name3, 
        $names = $data['name'].', ';
        // This adds a number to the $num variable.

echo $names.' '.$ending; //Finally, echo the result, in this case, it will be: John, Mary, Ryan, and other like this comment.


|    ID        |   comment_id  |    post_id   |   name       |
|     1        |     382       |     null     |   John       |
|     2        |     382       |     null     |   Mary       |
|     3        |     null      |     189      |   Brian      |
|     4        |     null      |     189      |   Joe        |
|     5        |     382       |     null     |   Ryan       |
|     6        |     382       |     null     |   Bell       |

SElECT * FROM likes WHERE comment_id = '382'

|    ID        |   comment_id  |    post_id   |   name       |
|     1        |     382       |     null     |   John       |
|     2        |     382       |     null     |   Mary       |
|     5        |     382       |     null     |   Ryan       |
|     6        |     382       |     null     |   Bell       |

$num = 0; // This is used as an identifier
$numrows = mysqli_num_rows($getdata); // Count the number of likes on your comment or post

if($numrows > 3) { 
    $ending = 'and others like this comment.'; // If there are more than 3 likes, it ends this way
} else { 
    $ending = 'like this comment.'; // If there are less than or equal to 3 likes, it will end this way

while($data = mysqli_fetch_array($getdata)) {
    if($num => 3) { // This says that if the $num is less than or equal to 3, do the following
        // This will be used to list the first 3 names from your database and put them in a string like: name1, name2, name3, 
        $names = $data['name'].', ';
        // This adds a number to the $num variable.

echo $names.' '.$ending; //Finally, echo the result, in this case, it will be: John, Mary, Ryan, and other like this comment.

SELECT*FROM likes WHERE postd=?
?假设您在一个页面上有20个“like按钮”,用于不同的信息。每个按钮都有1000人点击。“SELECT*FROM likes WHERE postId=?”会不会变得有点慢和不够?它会变得非常慢,但你要求的是最短的路。@Boann你是对的,我的错。哇!谢谢你,布莱恩!你真的读懂了我的心思!这正是我需要的!让我测试一下代码,然后再给你回复!