Php 我能';找不到脚本的意外结尾

Php 我能';找不到脚本的意外结尾,php,wordpress,Php,Wordpress,我在这件事上真的很挣扎。此文件在我的本地开发人员站点上运行良好,没有任何警告。将其放在活动站点上会导致致命错误,从而停止激活。我发现在这里找不到意外结局的原因。我也尝试过两个不同的现场网站 <?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly function the_note_form( $atts ){ // prepare $home_page for defualt r


    <?php    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
function the_note_form( $atts ){ 

    // prepare $home_page for defualt return to the homepage after note submit
    $home_page = get_home_url();
        //get current users id
        $users_id = get_current_user_id();
            // shortcode information
            $id_location_form = shortcode_atts( array( 'location' => '', 'title' =>'', 'redirect' => $home_page,  'category_custom' => '', 'create_logged_out' =>'', 'create_logged_in'=>'', 'create_by_user_id' =>'', 'show_setup' =>'', 'id_can_see' => '0' ), $atts );
                //get a time stamp for the note
                $entry_date = date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A T'); //echo"$entry_date";
                    // get current users name
                    $user_info = wp_get_current_user(); $users_name = $user_info->display_name ;

if ($id_location_form['create_logged_in'] == 'yes' && is_user_logged_in() == "true") {include('form_build.php');}
        //logged out form
       if ($id_location_form['create_logged_out'] == 'yes' && is_user_logged_in() != "true") {include('form_build.php'); }

                //specify only a user id tha can access the form.
                if ($id_location_form['create_by_user_id'] == $users_id && $id_location_form['create_by_user_id'] != '') {include('form_build.php'); }

//if the show_setup = yes then show this var_dump of the setu array
if ($id_location_form['show_setup'] == "yes"){ ?> <pre> <?php print_r($id_location_form); ?> </pre>

//close the function

add_shortcode( 'the_note_input_form', 'the_note_form' );

form input to database

$security_input = 0;

if ( isset( $_POST["submit_form"] ) && $_POST["visitor_note"] != "" ) {

    $table = $wpdb->prefix."my_notes";
    $name = strip_tags($_POST["visitor_name"], "");
    $note = strip_tags($_POST["visitor_note"], "");
    $vis_id = strip_tags($_POST["visitor_id"], "");
    $input_location = strip_tags($_POST["input_location"], "");
    $date_stamp = strip_tags($_POST["utc_create"], "");
    $category_custom = strip_tags($_POST["category_custom"], "");
    $id_can_view = strip_tags($_POST["id_can_see"], "");
    $status = strip_tags($_POST["status"], "");

            'name' => $name,
            'note' => $note,
            'user_id' => $vis_id,    
            'time_of_entry' => $date_stamp,
            'input_location' => $input_location,
            'category' => $category_custom,
            'id_can_view' => $id_can_view,
            'status' => $status,
            'security' => $security_input


//if the show_setup = yes then show this var_dump of the setu array
if ($id_location_form['show_setup'] == "yes"){ ?> <pre> <?php                
print_r($id_location_form); ?> </pre>
<?php   // was <?