Plot MAT LAB中图形文件数据点的提取

Plot MAT LAB中图形文件数据点的提取,plot,matlab-figure,Plot,Matlab Figure,我已导入一个形状文件,并将其另存为MAT LAB地物文件。我需要沿着图形文件的边界提取数据点作为(x,y)坐标。有人能帮我吗 这取决于您的体形(2D图像、3D图像、图表等)。 您可以通过此命令读取fig文件 >> figFile = load('1.fig','-mat') figFile = hgS_070000: [1x1 struct] after that you can find all data in this structure by using dot

我已导入一个形状文件,并将其另存为MAT LAB地物文件。我需要沿着图形文件的边界提取数据点作为(x,y)坐标。有人能帮我吗

这取决于您的体形(2D图像、3D图像、图表等)。 您可以通过此命令读取fig文件

>> figFile = load('1.fig','-mat')

figFile = 

    hgS_070000: [1x1 struct]

after that you can find all data in this structure by using dot

>> figFile.hgS_070000

ans = 

          type: 'figure'
        handle: 1
    properties: [1x1 struct]
      children: [1x1 struct]
       special: []

>> figFile.hgS_070000.children
ans = 
          type: 'axes'
        handle: 176.08251953125
    properties: [1x1 struct]
      children: [1x1 struct]
       special: [4x1 double]

>> figFile.hgS_070000.children.children
ans = 
          type: 'graph2d.lineseries'
        handle: 177.0830078125
    properties: [1x1 struct]
      children: []
       special: []

ans = 
              Color: [0 0 1]
              XData: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
              YData: [2 1 5 6 4 8 8 4 8]
    ApplicationData: [1x1 struct]

>> Y =
>> X =
