Powershell 将Get-ADReplicationStie导入数组

Powershell 将Get-ADReplicationStie导入数组,powershell,active-directory-group,Powershell,Active Directory Group,我看过了,我的头一直撞在墙上。我肯定我错过了一些简单的东西。我正在尝试将广告站点列表导入到填充ComboBox1的数组中,但无法使其正常工作 我编写这段代码是为了创建一个包含2个组合框的表单。第一个组合框需要 基于Get-AddressApplicationSite值创建的数组填充。在我的实验室里我做了5次测试 地点。 如果我有硬编码的网站,但它的工作 如果我试图从Get广告创建数组,我将无法使数组在中正确显示 组合框1 #####################################


我编写这段代码是为了创建一个包含2个组合框的表单。第一个组合框需要 基于Get-AddressApplicationSite值创建的数组填充。在我的实验室里我做了5次测试 地点。 如果我有硬编码的网站,但它的工作 如果我试图从Get广告创建数组,我将无法使数组在中正确显示 组合框1

#####   This is the section that I use to Create the Arrays

## This piece of code works
# If you want to have the sites Hardcoded, use this line

## I can't get this to work
# $ADSites= Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter * | select Description

# Below is a list of Variables that are hard coded. I'm going to convert this to an import of a CSV file

    #####   Now we do stuff
    #### The form keeps asking me to add details so I'm adding details

    # Populate Combobox 2 When Combobox 1 changes
        $combobox2.Items.Clear() # Clear the list
        $combobox2.Text = $null  # Clear the current entry
    # Refresh ComboBox 1 changes    
        Switch ($ComboBox1.Text) {

                $ADSiteS01 | ForEach { 
    # Refresh ComboBox 1 changes    
                $ADSiteS02 | ForEach {
    # Refresh ComboBox 1 changes    
                $ADSiteS03 | ForEach {

        $labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text

        $labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text

        $labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text


$ADSites = (Get-ADReplicationSite -filter *).Description

>一个hiccup########创建组合框$Combobox1=新对象系统.Windows.Forms.combobox$Combox1.Location='26,25'$Combox1.Size='105,20'$Combox1.items.AddRange($ADSites)#这导致了一个错误>这是一个错误,显示调用带有“1”参数的“AddRange”时出现异常:“值不能为null。参数名称:item”位于Thought3.ps1:50 char:1+$Combobox1.items.AddRange($ADSites)+CategoryInfo:NotSpecified:(:)[],MethodInvocationException+FullyQualifiedErrorId:ArgumentNullException