Python 2.7 spacy中的句子标记化不好(?)

Python 2.7 spacy中的句子标记化不好(?),python-2.7,nltk,spacy,Python 2.7,Nltk,Spacy,为什么spacy的分句器/标记器工作不好?nltk似乎运行良好。以下是我的一点经验: import spacy nlp = spacy.load('fr') import nltk text_fr = u"Je suis parti a la boulangerie. J'ai achete trois croissants. C'etait super bon." nltk.sent_tokenize(text_fr) # [u'Je suis parti a la boulangeri


import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('fr')
import nltk

text_fr = u"Je suis parti a la boulangerie. J'ai achete trois croissants. C'etait super bon."

# [u'Je suis parti a la boulangerie.',
# u"J'ai achete trois croissants.",
# u"C'etait super bon."

doc = nlp(text_fr)
for s in doc.sents: print s
# Je suis parti
# a la boulangerie. J'ai
# achete trois croissants. C'
# etait super bon.

text = u"I went to the library. I did not know what book to buy, but then the lady working there helped me. It was cool. I discovered a lot of new things."


[u'I went to the library.',
 u'I did not know what book to buy, but then the lady working there helped me.',
 u'It was cool.',
 u'I discovered a lot of new things.']


[u'I went to the library.',
 u'I did not know what book to buy, but then the lady working there helped me.',
 u'It was cool.',
 u'I discovered a lot of new things.']