Python 如何有效地迭代数据帧的连续块

Python 如何有效地迭代数据帧的连续块,python,pandas,parallel-processing,ipython,Python,Pandas,Parallel Processing,Ipython,我有一个大的数据帧(几百万行) 我希望能够对其执行groupby操作,但只需按任意连续(最好是大小相等)的行子集进行分组,而不是使用单个行的任何特定属性来决定它们去哪个组 用例:我想通过IPython中的并行映射将函数应用于每一行。哪一行转到哪一个后端引擎并不重要,因为该函数每次基于一行计算结果。(至少在概念上是这样;实际上是矢量化的。) 我想出了这样的办法: # Generate a number from 0-9 for each row, indicating which tenth of





# Generate a number from 0-9 for each row, indicating which tenth of the DF it belongs to
max_idx = dataframe.index.max()
tenths = ((10 * dataframe.index) / (1 + max_idx)).astype(np.uint32)

# Use this value to perform a groupby, yielding 10 consecutive chunks
groups = [g[1] for g in dataframe.groupby(tenths)]

# Process chunks in parallel
results = dview.map_sync(my_function, groups)
          a         b         c         d
0  0.860574  0.059326  0.339192  0.786399
1  0.029196  0.395613  0.524240  0.380265
2  0.235759  0.164282  0.350042  0.877004
3  0.545394  0.881960  0.994079  0.721279
4  0.584504  0.648308  0.655147  0.511390
          a         b         c         d
5  0.276160  0.982803  0.451825  0.845363
6  0.728453  0.246870  0.515770  0.343479
7  0.971947  0.278430  0.006910  0.888512
8  0.044888  0.875791  0.842361  0.890675
9  0.200563  0.246080  0.333202  0.574488
           a         b         c         d
10  0.971125  0.106790  0.274001  0.960579
11  0.722224  0.575325  0.465267  0.258976
12  0.574039  0.258625  0.469209  0.886768
13  0.915423  0.713076  0.073338  0.622967





import numpy as np
import pandas as pds

df = pds.DataFrame(np.random.rand(14,4), columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

def chunker(seq, size):
    return (seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in xrange(0, len(seq), size))

for i in chunker(df,5):
    print i

# Generate a number from 0-9 for each row, indicating which tenth of the DF it belongs to
max_idx = dataframe.index.max()
tenths = ((10 * dataframe.index) / (1 + max_idx)).astype(np.uint32)

# Use this value to perform a groupby, yielding 10 consecutive chunks
groups = [g[1] for g in dataframe.groupby(tenths)]

# Process chunks in parallel
results = dview.map_sync(my_function, groups)
          a         b         c         d
0  0.860574  0.059326  0.339192  0.786399
1  0.029196  0.395613  0.524240  0.380265
2  0.235759  0.164282  0.350042  0.877004
3  0.545394  0.881960  0.994079  0.721279
4  0.584504  0.648308  0.655147  0.511390
          a         b         c         d
5  0.276160  0.982803  0.451825  0.845363
6  0.728453  0.246870  0.515770  0.343479
7  0.971947  0.278430  0.006910  0.888512
8  0.044888  0.875791  0.842361  0.890675
9  0.200563  0.246080  0.333202  0.574488
           a         b         c         d
10  0.971125  0.106790  0.274001  0.960579
11  0.722224  0.575325  0.465267  0.258976
12  0.574039  0.258625  0.469209  0.886768
13  0.915423  0.713076  0.073338  0.622967



from multiprocessing import Pool

nprocs = 4

pool = Pool(nprocs)

for chunk in chunker(df, nprocs):
    data =, chunk)


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(15, 5), index=[0]*15)
>>> df[0] = range(15)
>>> df
    0         1         2         3         4
0   0  0.746300  0.346277  0.220362  0.172680
0   1  0.657324  0.687169  0.384196  0.214118
0   2  0.016062  0.858784  0.236364  0.963389
0  13  0.510273  0.051608  0.230402  0.756921
0  14  0.950544  0.576539  0.642602  0.907850

[15 rows x 5 columns]

>>> df.groupby(np.arange(len(df))//10)
<pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0xb208492c>
>>> for k,g in df.groupby(np.arange(len(df))//10):
...     print(k,g)
0    0         1         2         3         4
0  0  0.746300  0.346277  0.220362  0.172680
0  1  0.657324  0.687169  0.384196  0.214118
0  2  0.016062  0.858784  0.236364  0.963389
0  8  0.241049  0.246149  0.241935  0.563428
0  9  0.493819  0.918858  0.193236  0.266257

[10 rows x 5 columns]
1     0         1         2         3         4
0  10  0.037693  0.370789  0.369117  0.401041
0  11  0.721843  0.862295  0.671733  0.605006
0  14  0.950544  0.576539  0.642602  0.907850

[5 rows x 5 columns]
df.groupby(np.arange(len(df))//10) >>>对于df.groupby(np.arange(len(df))//10中的k,g: ... 打印(k,g) ... 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0.746300 0.346277 0.220362 0.172680 0 1 0.657324 0.687169 0.384196 0.214118 0 2 0.016062 0.858784 0.236364 0.963389 [...] 0 8 0.241049 0.246149 0.241935 0.563428 0 9 0.493819 0.918858 0.193236 0.266257 [10行x 5列] 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 10 0.037693 0.370789 0.369117 0.401041 0 11 0.721843 0.862295 0.671733 0.605006 [...] 0 14 0.950544 0.576539 0.642602 0.907850 [5行x 5列]



用于迭代数据帧和序列的块生成器函数 区块函数的生成器版本如下所示。此外,此版本可用于pd.DataFrame或pd.Series的自定义索引(例如浮点型索引)


a、b、c、d 0.000000 0.560627 0.665897 0.683055 0.611884 0.769231 0.241871 0.357080 0.841945 0.340778 1.538462 0.065009 0.234621 0.250644 0.552410 2.307692 0.431394 0.235463 0.755084 0.114852 3.076923 0.173748 0.189739 0.148856 0.031171 3.846154 0.772352 0.697762 0.557806 0.254476 a、b、c、d 4.615385 0.901200 0.977844 0.250316 0.957408 5.384615 0.400939 0.520841 0.863015 0.177043 6.153846 0.356927 0.344220 0.863067 0.400573 6.923077 0.375417 0.156420 0.897889 0.810083 7.692308 0.666371 0.152800 0.482446 0.955556 8.461538 0.242711 0.421591 0.005223 0.200596 a、b、c、d 9.230769 0.735748 0.402639 0.527825 0.595952 10.000000 0.420209 0.365231 0.966829 0.514409 -0x7f503c9d0ba0处的生成器对象分块器 第一个“next()”: a、b、c、d 0.000000 0.560627 0.665897 0.683055 0.611884 0.769231 0.241871 0.357080 0.841945 0.340778 1.538462 0.065009 0.234621 0.250644 0.552410 2.307692 0.431394 0.235463 0.755084 0.114852 3.076923 0.173748 0.189739 0.148856 0.031171 3.846154 0.772352 0.697762 0.557806 0.254476 第二个“next()”: a、b、c、d 4.615385 0.901200 0.977844 0.250316 0.957408 5.384615 0.400939 0.520841 0.863015 0.177043 6.153846 0.356927 0.344220 0.863067 0.400573 6.923077 0.375417 0.156420 0.897889 0.810083 7.692308 0.666371 0.152800 0.482446 0.955556 8.461538 0.242711 0.421591 0.005223 0.200596 第三个“next()”: a、b、c、d 9.230769 0.735748 0.402639 0.527825 0.595952 10.000000 0.420209 0.365231 0.966829 0.514409
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    df_sz = 14

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(df_sz,4), 
                      index=np.linspace(0., 10., num=df_sz),
                      columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

    def chunker(seq, size):
        for pos in range(0, len(seq), size):
            yield seq.iloc[pos:pos + size] 

    chunk_size = 6
    for i in chunker(df, chunk_size):

   chnk = chunker(df, chunk_size)
   print('\n', chnk)
a b c d 0.000000 0.560627 0.665897 0.683055 0.611884 0.769231 0.241871 0.357080 0.841945 0.340778 1.538462 0.065009 0.234621 0.250644 0.552410 2.307692 0.431394 0.235463 0.755084 0.114852 3.076923 0.173748 0.189739 0.148856 0.031171 3.846154 0.772352 0.697762 0.557806 0.254476 a b c d 4.615385 0.901200 0.977844 0.250316 0.957408 5.384615 0.400939 0.520841 0.863015 0.177043 6.153846 0.356927 0.344220 0.863067 0.400573 6.923077 0.375417 0.156420 0.897889 0.810083 7.692308 0.666371 0.152800 0.482446 0.955556 8.461538 0.242711 0.421591 0.005223 0.200596 a b c d 9.230769 0.735748 0.402639 0.527825 0.595952 10.000000 0.420209 0.365231 0.966829 0.514409 - generator object chunker at 0x7f503c9d0ba0 First "next()": a b c d 0.000000 0.560627 0.665897 0.683055 0.611884 0.769231 0.241871 0.357080 0.841945 0.340778 1.538462 0.065009 0.234621 0.250644 0.552410 2.307692 0.431394 0.235463 0.755084 0.114852 3.076923 0.173748 0.189739 0.148856 0.031171 3.846154 0.772352 0.697762 0.557806 0.254476 Second "next()": a b c d 4.615385 0.901200 0.977844 0.250316 0.957408 5.384615 0.400939 0.520841 0.863015 0.177043 6.153846 0.356927 0.344220 0.863067 0.400573 6.923077 0.375417 0.156420 0.897889 0.810083 7.692308 0.666371 0.152800 0.482446 0.955556 8.461538 0.242711 0.421591 0.005223 0.200596 Third "next()": a b c d 9.230769 0.735748 0.402639 0.527825 0.595952 10.000000 0.420209 0.365231 0.966829 0.514409
import pandas as pd

def batch(iterable, batch_number=10):
    split an iterable into mini batch with batch length of batch_number
    supports batch of a pandas dataframe
        for i in batch([1,2,3,4,5], batch_number=2):
        for idx, mini_data in enumerate(batch(df, batch_number=10)):
    l = len(iterable)

    for idx in range(0, l, batch_number):
        if isinstance(iterable, pd.DataFrame):
            # dataframe can't split index label, should iter according index
            yield iterable.iloc[idx:min(idx+batch_number, l)]
            yield iterable[idx:min(idx+batch_number, l)]