Python 类而不是实例构造函数

Python 类而不是实例构造函数,python,Python,有一个类似的问题,但它没有明确回答我的问题: 有没有一种方法可以让init/constructor函数在所有类实例中自动调用一次,以便初始化类变量 class A: _config = None #load the config once for all instances @classmethod def contstructor(cls): cls._config = configparser.ConfigParser()"co

有一个类似的问题,但它没有明确回答我的问题: 有没有一种方法可以让init/constructor函数在所有类实例中自动调用一次,以便初始化类变量

class A:
  _config = None
#load the config once for all instances
  def contstructor(cls):
    cls._config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config_for_A.ini")

class A:
  _config = False
#load the config once for all instances
  def contstructor(cls):
    cls._config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config_for_A.ini")

  def __init__(self):
      self._config = self._config or self.contstructor()

hay = A()
bee = A()
sea = A()

class A:
  _config = False
#load the config once for all instances
  def contstructor(cls):
    cls._config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config_for_A.ini")

  def __init__(self):
      self._config = self._config or self.contstructor()

hay = A()
bee = A()
sea = A()


print("Now defining class 'A'...")

class A:

    # define any initialization method here, name is irrelevant:
    def __my_class_constructor():  
        print("--> class initialized!")

    # this is the normal constructor, just to compare:
    def __init__(self):
        print("--> instance created!")

    # do whatever you want to initialize the class (e.g. call our method from above)

print("Now creating an instance object 'a' of class 'A'...")

a = A()

Now defining class 'A'...
--> class initialized!
Now creating an instance object 'a' of class 'A'...
--> instance created!


print("Now defining class 'A'...")

class A:

    # define any initialization method here, name is irrelevant:
    def __my_class_constructor():  
        print("--> class initialized!")

    # this is the normal constructor, just to compare:
    def __init__(self):
        print("--> instance created!")

    # do whatever you want to initialize the class (e.g. call our method from above)

print("Now creating an instance object 'a' of class 'A'...")

a = A()

Now defining class 'A'...
--> class initialized!
Now creating an instance object 'a' of class 'A'...
--> instance created!

你可以只检查cls.\u config是否为None,或者查看元类,或者只执行class A:\u config=some\u config\u parser。你可以只检查cls.\u config是否为None,或者查看元类,或者只执行class A:\u config=some\u config\u parser。这看起来正是我的意思,但我怀疑从风格的角度来看这是否很好?当包含在许多模块中时,它是否只执行一次?一个模块在Python进程中只导入一次。后续的导入调用将返回缓存的模块,而无需再次加载和计算它,因此该类也不会被解析两次。看,这看起来正是我的意思,但我怀疑从风格的角度来看,这是否很好?当包含在许多模块中时,它是否只执行一次?一个模块在Python进程中只导入一次。后续的导入调用将返回缓存的模块,而无需再次加载和计算它,因此该类也不会被解析两次。看见