Python 如何解析和拆分文本字符串并将其保存为数组数组

Python 如何解析和拆分文本字符串并将其保存为数组数组,python,regex,string,text,split,Python,Regex,String,Text,Split,我有以下字符串,在本例中有4行,但可能还有更多行: port device name profile settings ==== ====== ============= ======= ================= 1 ttyS1 name1 cas 9600 8N1 ssh none 2 ttyS2 name2 cas 9600 8N1 ssh none


  port  device  name           profile  settings
  ====  ======  =============  =======  =================
  1     ttyS1   name1          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  2     ttyS2   name2          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  3     ttyS3   name3          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  4     ttyS4   name4          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none

Press any key to continue...

e、 g


import re

txt = """
  port  device  name           profile  settings
  ====  ======  =============  =======  =================
  1     ttyS1   name1          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  2     ttyS2   name2          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  3     ttyS3   name3          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  4     ttyS4   name4          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none

Press any key to continue...

r = re.compile(r"^[^\d]+(\d+)\s*[^\s]+\s*([^\s]+)", flags=re.M)

out = r.findall(txt)


import re
var="""  port  device  name           profile  settings
====  ======  =============  =======  =================
1     ttyS1   name1          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
2     ttyS2   name2          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
3     ttyS3   name3          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
4     ttyS4   name4          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none"""


[('1', 'name1'), ('2', 'name2'), ('3', 'name3'), ('4', 'name4')]

^\s+?      ##Checking from starting of value spaces occurrences 1 or more optional.
(\d+)      ##Creating 1st capturing group which has continuous digits in it, port number.
.*?\S+\s+  ##using non greedy match to match till non space value(1 or more) followed by 1 or more spaces.
(\S+)      ##Creating 2nd capturing group which has all non space values(names) in it.
.*$        ##Matching rest of the values here.


stringOrig = """
  port  device  name           profile  settings
  ====  ======  =============  =======  =================
  1     ttyS1   name1          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  2     ttyS2   name2          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  3     ttyS3   name3          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  4     ttyS4   name4          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none

Press any key to continue...

stringLines = stringOrig.split("\n")
linesContent = stringLines[3:-3]
lineValues = list(
  map(lambda l: 
        filter(lambda x : x != "", l.split(" "))
      , linesContent

stringOrig = """
  port  device  name           profile  settings
  ====  ======  =============  =======  =================
  1     ttyS1   name1          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  2     ttyS2   name2          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  3     ttyS3   name3          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none
  4     ttyS4   name4          cas      9600 8N1 ssh none

Press any key to continue...

stringLines = stringOrig.split("\n")
linesContent = stringLines[3:-3]
lineValues = list(
  map(lambda l: 
        filter(lambda x : x != "", l.split(" "))
      , linesContent