Python 用于计算元素的嵌套while循环有什么问题

Python 用于计算元素的嵌套while循环有什么问题,python,python-3.x,Python,Python 3.x,我只想计算出F的每个元素在N中出现的频率,然后打印出来。我使用了嵌套for循环,它可以工作。但当我使用嵌套的while循环时,它并没有像预期的那样工作。我检查了代码,但找不到原因 F = [4,7,2] N = [2,3,4,2,5,6,3,2,6,7,3,4] 嵌套循环版本,按预期工作: four_count = 0 seven_count = 0 two_count = 0 for n in N: for f in F: if n == f and f == 4:


F = [4,7,2]
N = [2,3,4,2,5,6,3,2,6,7,3,4]

four_count = 0
seven_count = 0
two_count = 0

for n in N:
    for f in F:
        if n == f and f == 4:
            four_count += 1
        elif n == f and f == 7:
            seven_count += 1
        elif n == f and f == 2:
            two_count += 1

print(str(F[0]) + " occurs in N " + str(four_count) + " times")
print(str(F[1]) + " occurs in N " + str(seven_count) + " times")
print(str(F[2]) + " occurs in N " + str(two_count) + " times")
4 occurs in N 2 times
7 occurs in N 1 times
2 occurs in N 3 times

four_count = 0
seven_count = 0
two_count = 0

for n in N:
    for f in F:
        if n == f and f == 4:
            four_count += 1
        elif n == f and f == 7:
            seven_count += 1
        elif n == f and f == 2:
            two_count += 1

print(str(F[0]) + " occurs in N " + str(four_count) + " times")
print(str(F[1]) + " occurs in N " + str(seven_count) + " times")
print(str(F[2]) + " occurs in N " + str(two_count) + " times")
4 occurs in N 2 times
7 occurs in N 1 times
2 occurs in N 3 times

four_count = 0
seven_count = 0
two_count = 0

N_Count = 0
F_Count = 0

while N_Count < len(N):
    while F_Count < len(F):
        if N[N_Count] == F[F_Count] and F[F_Count] == 4:
            four_count += 1
        elif N[N_Count] == F[F_Count] and F[F_Count] == 7:
            seven_count += 1
        elif N[N_Count] == F[F_Count] and F[F_Count] == 2:
            two_count += 1
        F_Count += 1
    N_Count += 1

print(str(F[0]) + " occurs in N " + str(four_count) + " times")
print(str(F[1]) + " occurs in N " + str(seven_count) + " times")
print(str(F[2]) + " occurs in N " + str(two_count) + " times")

当N\u Count时,必须在
F\u Count=0

while N_Count < len(N):
    F_Count = 0
    while F_Count < len(F):


当N\u Count
F\u Count=0

while N_Count < len(N):
    F_Count = 0
    while F_Count < len(F):


你是对的。谢谢你救了我一天。“在while N_Count