Python 用keras-CNN模型读取多个手写数字

Python 用keras-CNN模型读取多个手写数字,python,image,keras,conv-neural-network,digits,Python,Image,Keras,Conv Neural Network,Digits,我使用crohme数据集提供的一些数据构建了一个用于数字识别的CNN。它在>200000张图像上进行训练,应该识别数字0-9和+,-,=,(,),因为这个项目的目标是读取一个简单的方程,然后计算结果。这意味着我正在将包含多个数字/算术运算符的图像馈送给一个函数,然后该函数将剪切出平方位,并让keras模型预测它 这些图像可以如下所示,例如: 我得到的这个图像的结果是结果:['1','1','-','1']。因此,它得到了正确的答案,但其余的都大错特错了。对于1s,它预测网络是59%、76%和5






  • 个别或多或少显示良好的数字/运算符没有得到很好的识别。当我尝试使用数据集中的测试图像时,网络得到了99%的正确率,因此这一定是图像准备问题
  • 你能帮我改进我的函数partial\u img\u rec吗?它控制方形部分的切割,然后将切割的方形部分传递给keras模型?这些部分的大小都与原始图片的高度相同,并且它们向右移动,这取决于是否预测了一个数字,其概率至少为40%. 如果是这样的话,我将沿着正方形宽度的80%移动,如果不是这样,我将采取更小的步骤。这是一个递归函数,它一直向前移动,直到到达图像的右端
  • 我曾经问过一个类似的问题,关于个人数字照片的问题,我得到了一些关于数字在图片中居中方式的有用建议。请注意,当我有一张包含多个数字的图片时,我对此没有太多的控制


    # import keras
    from tensorflow.python.keras.models import Sequential
    from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Dense
    from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Dropout
    from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Flatten
    from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D
    from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.convolutional import MaxPooling2D
    from tensorflow.python.keras.models import model_from_json
    #from keras.utils import np_utils
    # numpy is necessary since keras uses numpy arrays
    import numpy as np
    # imports for pictures
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import PIL
    #import cv2
    # imports for tests
    import random
    import os    
    class neuralNetwork():
            def prepare_image(self, img, show = False):
                """ prepares the training and testing as well as
                    the partial images used in partial_img_rec by transforming them
                    into numpy arrays that the network will be able to process """
                # convert to greyscale
                img = img.convert("L")
                # rescale image to 45 * 45 dimension if neccessary
                if img.size != (45,45):
                    img = img.resize((45,45), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
                # transform to vector
                img = np.asarray(img, "float32")
                img = img / 255.
                # threshold eliminates background noise
                img[img < 0.1] = 0.
                if show:
                    plt.imshow(img, cmap = "Greys")
                img = img.reshape((1, 45, 45, 1))
                return img
            def __init__(self, newModel = False):
                """ initialized the neural network either by creating and training a new model or by loading a saved one """
                # paths to data
                self.train_data = ".//train"
                self.test_data = ".//test"
                self.test_img, self.test_res = self.prepare_data(self.test_data)
                """ The following code is based on existing code that can be found on the following websites :
                num_classes = 15
                """ This is a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) which is more efficient than the standard NN """
                if newModel or not os.path.exists("model.json") or not os.path.exists("model.h5"):
                    # only load test data if needed
                    self.train_img, self.train_res = self.prepare_data(self.train_data, shuffle = True)
                    print("creating new model")
                    # create a new model
                    self.model = Sequential()
                    self.model.add(Conv2D(30, (5, 5), input_shape=(45, 45, 1), activation='relu'))
                    self.model.add(Conv2D(15, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
                    self.model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu'))
                    self.model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu'))
                    self.model.add(Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax'))
                    #compile model
                    self.model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
                    # train the model
          , self.train_res, validation_data=(self.test_img, self.test_res), epochs=10, batch_size=64, verbose=2)
                    # save model for later use
                    model_json = self.model.to_json()
                    with open("model.json", "w") as json_file:
                    # save weights
                    print("Saved trained model to disk")
                   # load the model from disk
                   json_file = open("model.json", "r")
                   loaded_model =
                   self.model = model_from_json(loaded_model)
                   # load weights from disk
                   #compile model
                   self.model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
                   print("Loaded model and weights from disk")
            def predict_result(self, img, show = False):
                """ predicts the number in a picture (vector) """
                assert type(img) == np.ndarray and img.shape == (1, 45, 45, 1)
                # 1, 45, 45, 1 is the image shape the input layer demands. 45, 45 are the dimensions and 1 stands for greyscale (channel)
                if show:
                    img = img.reshape((45, 45))
                    # show the picture
                    plt.imshow(img, cmap='Greys')
                    img = img.reshape((1, 45, 45, 1))
                # the probabilities
                res_probabilities = self.model.predict(img)
                # the value with the hightest probability
                res_number = np.argmax(res_probabilities)
                return (list(self.assignments.keys())[list(self.assignments.values()).index(res_number)], res_probabilities.tolist()[0])    # we only need the first dimension since the array only has one
            def partial_img_rec(self, image, upper_left, lower_right, results=[], show = True):
                """ passes square parts of images to predict_result """
                left_x, left_y = upper_left
                right_x, right_y = lower_right
                print("current test part: ", upper_left, lower_right)
                print("results: ", results)
                # condition to stop recursion: we've reached the full width of the picture
                width, height = image.size
                if right_x > width:
                    return results
                partial = image.crop((left_x, left_y, right_x, right_y))
                if show:
                partial = self.prepare_image(partial)
                # is there a number or operator in this part of the image? 
                res, prop = self.predict_result(partial)
                print("result: ", res, ". probabilities: ", prop)
                # only count this result if the network is at least 40% sure
                if prop[self.assignments[res]] >= 0.4:        
                    # step is 80% of the partial image's size (which is equivalent to the original image's height) 
                    step = int(height * 0.8)
                    print("found valid result")
                    # if there is no number or operator found we take smaller steps
                    step = height // 20 
                print("step: ", step)
                # recursive call with modified positions ( move on step variables )
                return self.partial_img_rec(image, (left_x + step, left_y), (right_x + step, right_y), results = results)
            def individual_digits(self, img):
                """ uses partial_img_rec to predict individual digits in square images """
                assert type(img) == PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile or type(img) == PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile or type(img) == PIL.Image.Image
                if img.size[0]  != img.size[1]:
                        print(img, " has the wrong proportions: ", img.size,". It has to be a square.")
                return self.partial_img_rec(img, (0,0), (img.size[0], img.size[1]), results=[])
            def multiple_digits(self, imgName):
                """ takes as input an image without unnecessary whitespace surrounding the digits """
                assert type(imgName) == str
                #img = cuttingImage(imgName)
                img =
                width, height = img.size
                # start with the first square part of the image. This can work because there is no unneccessary whitespace.
                res_list = self.partial_img_rec(img, (0,0),(height ,height), results = [])
                res_str = ""
                for elem in res_list:
                    res_str += str(elem)
                return res_str


                                        "0" : 0,
                                        "1" : 1,
                                        "2" : 2,
                                        "3" : 3,
                                        "4" : 4,
                                        "5" : 5,
                                        "6" : 6,
                                        "7" : 7,
                                        "8" : 8,
                                        "9" : 9,
                                        "-" : 10,
                                        "+" : 11,
                                        "=" : 12,
                                        "(" : 13,
                                        ")" : 14