Python 机器人框架-获取变量

Python 机器人框架-获取变量,python,robotframework,Python,Robotframework,我正在尝试使用publicAPI从report.xml文件中获取变量值。以下是报告的外观: 它有一个变量Var,该变量分配了一个Test值 我创建了简单的REST API来运行测试: from flask import Flask from flask import request from robot import run from robot import run_cli app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def runRobot(): r



我创建了简单的REST API来运行测试:

from flask import Flask
from flask import request

from robot import run
from robot import run_cli

app = Flask(__name__)

def runRobot():
 robotName = request.args.get('robot')
 robotName = robotName + '.robot'
 rc = run(robotName)
 return str(rc)



然后,您可以创建一个小型数据库来检索所需的元数据。我在下面的示例中使用Robot Framework 3.1.2


调用Robot CLI和ResultVisitor的Python文件:

from robot import run_cli
from robot.api import ExecutionResult, ResultVisitor

class ReturnValueFetcher(ResultVisitor):

    def __init__(self):
        self.custom_rc = None

    def visit_suite(self, suite):
            self.custom_rc = suite.metadata["My Return Value"]
        except KeyError:
            self.custom_rc = 'Undefined' # error, False, exception, log error, etc.
        # Only visit the top suite
        return False

# Run robot, exit=False is needed so the script won't be terminated here
rc = run_cli(['SO.robot'], exit=False)

# Instantiate result visitor
retval = ReturnValueFetcher()

# Parse execution result using robot API
# assuming the output.xml is in the same folder as the Python script
result = ExecutionResult("./output.xml")

# Visit the top level suite to retrive needed metadata

# Print return values
print(f"normal rc:{rc} - custom_rc:{retval.custom_rc}")


from robot import run_cli
from robot.api import ExecutionResult, ResultVisitor

class ReturnValueFetcher(ResultVisitor):

    def __init__(self):
        self.custom_rc = None

    def visit_suite(self, suite):
            self.custom_rc = suite.metadata["My Return Value"]
        except KeyError:
            self.custom_rc = 'Undefined' # error, False, exception, log error, etc.
        # Only visit the top suite
        return False

# Run robot, exit=False is needed so the script won't be terminated here
rc = run_cli(['SO.robot'], exit=False)

# Instantiate result visitor
retval = ReturnValueFetcher()

# Parse execution result using robot API
# assuming the output.xml is in the same folder as the Python script
result = ExecutionResult("./output.xml")

# Visit the top level suite to retrive needed metadata

# Print return values
print(f"normal rc:{rc} - custom_rc:{retval.custom_rc}")