如何通过python使用Selenium scrape url保护distil网络

如何通过python使用Selenium scrape url保护distil网络,python,selenium,Python,Selenium,我不知道如何使用Selenium通过python从distilnetworks获取数据url保护 错误: 验证JavaScript引擎 The website www.urlwebsite.com requires that all visitors be running JavaScript. This page is validating your browser\'s JavaScript engine and functionality. Your web browser will a




The website www.urlwebsite.com requires that all visitors be running JavaScript. This page is validating your browser\'s JavaScript engine and functionality.

Your web browser will automatically reload shortly and you will receive a pop-up asking you to confirm your form submission again. Confirming the form submission again will allow you to continue to www.urlwebsite.com without further incident