Python 烧瓶:一页,3个功能-只能获得1个功能打印到网页

Python 烧瓶:一页,3个功能-只能获得1个功能打印到网页,python,flask,Python,Flask,我有一个有三个功能的程序。每个函数从不同的网页中提取数据,保存到列表中,然后打印列表 我在终端运行了这个,它运行正常 我想把这些列表打印到一个网页上 我可以打印一个函数,但我不知道如何将多个函数放入烧瓶中 以下是有效的方法: .py文件 这是我在.html文件中打印的方式 我将在我的.html页面中的两个新列表中打印这些函数的数据。这里有一个简单的示例,一种方法是简化scraper函数,使其只返回列表,然后将参数添加到render\u template(): index.html <ul








render\u template()


<ul class="list-group col-md-4" style="padding-left: 18px;">
    {% for href, caption in china %}
      <li class="list-group-item"><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
<ul class="list-group col-md-4" style="padding-left: 18px;">
    {% for href, caption in korea %}
      <li class="list-group-item"><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
<ul class="list-group col-md-4" style="padding-left: 18px;">
    {% for href, caption in jobs %}
      <li class="list-group-item"><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
    {%for href,中文字幕%}
  • {%endfor%}

<ul class="list-group col-md-4" style="padding-left: 18px;">
{% for href, caption in china %}
  <li class="list-group-item"><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
def koreaJobs():
    sauce = urllib.request.urlopen('').read()
    soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'html.parser')
    dl = soup.dl
    koreaAds = []
    korea []

    for words in dl.find_all('a'):
        links = words.get('href')
        link_text = words.text

        if ('university' in link_text.lower()) or ('universities' in link_text.lower()) or ('college' in link_text.lower()) or ('colleges' in link_text.lower()):
            koreaAds.append([links, link_text])

    for ad in koreaAds:
    return render_template("eslJobs.html", korea=korea)

def intlJobs():
    sauce = urllib.request.urlopen('').read()
    soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'html.parser')
    dl = soup.dl
    intlAds = []
    intl = []

    for words in dl.find_all('a'):
        links = words.get('href')
        link_text = words.text

        if ('university' in link_text.lower()) or ('universities' in link_text.lower()) or ('college' in link_text.lower()) or ('colleges' in link_text.lower()):
            intlAds.append([links, link_text])

    for ad in intlAds:
    return render_template("eslJobs.html", intl=intl)
from flask import Flask, render_template
import bs4 as bs
import urllib.request

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_ads(url):
    """ This function returns a list of tuples. """
    terms = ['universit', 'college']
    sauce = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()  #
    soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'html.parser')
    ads = []
    for words in soup.dl.find_all('a'):
        links = words.get('href')
        link_text = words.text
        if any(x in link_text.lower() for x in terms):
            ads.append(tuple([links, link_text]))
    return ads

# call functions here when the app starts
china = get_ads('')
korea = get_ads('')
jobs = get_ads('')

def index():
    # or call functions here each time a page is requested

    return render_template("index.html", china=china, korea=korea, jobs=jobs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
<ul class="list-group col-md-4" style="padding-left: 18px;">
    {% for href, caption in china %}
      <li class="list-group-item"><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
<ul class="list-group col-md-4" style="padding-left: 18px;">
    {% for href, caption in korea %}
      <li class="list-group-item"><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
<ul class="list-group col-md-4" style="padding-left: 18px;">
    {% for href, caption in jobs %}
      <li class="list-group-item"><a href="{{ href }}">{{ caption }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}