Python google colab与IB的连接

Python google colab与IB的连接,python,google-colaboratory,interactive-brokers,Python,Google Colaboratory,Interactive Brokers,正在尝试运行以下代码以连接到IB API from ibapi.client import EClient from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper class IBapi(EWrapper, EClient): def __init__(self): EClient.__init__(self, self) app = IBapi() app.connect('', 7497, 1) 但是,

正在尝试运行以下代码以连接到IB API

from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper  

class IBapi(EWrapper, EClient):
     def __init__(self):
         EClient.__init__(self, self)

app = IBapi()
app.connect('', 7497, 1)

ERROR -1 502 Couldn't connect to TWS. Confirm that "Enable ActiveX and Socket EClients" 
is enabled and connection port is the same as "Socket Port" on the 
TWS "Edit->Global Configuration...->API->Settings" menu. Live Trading ports: 
TWS: 7496; IB Gateway: 4001. Simulated Trading ports for new installations 
of version 954.1 or newer:  TWS: 7497; IB Gateway: 4002
