R 如何在不保留原始格式的情况下将文本从pdf文件复制到文本文件

R 如何在不保留原始格式的情况下将文本从pdf文件复制到文本文件,r,R,我有一个pdf文件,我想从中提取文本。但是,我不想保持pdf文件的相同间距。我希望文本显示为我手动复制并粘贴pdf中的行。这将从我的文本文件中删除一些美观但不必要的制表符和间距复杂性 例如,如果我正常使用R提取文本,我将得到类似于以下内容的格式: This is the title of this document 1.0 Hello my name is John and bla



                             This is the title
                             of this document
1.0 Hello my name is John and blah balh blah blah blah.
        1.1 blah blah blah blah

This is the title of this document
1.0 Hello my name is John and blah balh blah blah blah.
1.1 blah blah blah blah blah


如果我手动复制并粘贴第228页的一部分或pdf中的第3页, 我会得到:

Oil and the Macroeconomy since World War 11
James D. Hamilton
University (f/' Virgiiwa
All but one of the U.S. recessions since World War II have been
preceded, typically with a lag of around three-fourths of a year, by a
dramatic increase in the price of crude petroleum. This does not
mean that oil shocks caused these recessions. Evidence is presented,
however, that even over the period 1948-72 this correlation is statistically
significant and nonspurlious, supporting the proposition that
oil shocks were a contributing factor in at least some of the U.S.
recessions prior to 1972. By extension, energy price increases may
account for much of post-OPEC macroeconomic performance.
I. Introduction
The poor performance of the U.S. economy since 1973 is well documented:

1. The rate of growth of real GNP has fallen from an average of
4.0 percent during 1960-72 to 2.4 percent for 1973-81.
2. The 7.6 percent average inflation rate during 1973-81 was
more than double the 3.1 percent realized for 1960-72.
3. The average unemployment rate over 1973-81 of 6.7 percent
was higher than in any year between 1948 and 1972 with the single
exception of the recession of 1958.
This paper is drawn from chap. 2 of my Ph.D. dissertation at the University of
California, Berkeley. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the NBER/NSF

奖金: 我把我贴的例子弄错了。如果我从google chrome的pdf文档中复制并粘贴,我将获得该输出。如果我从Microsoft Edge复制并粘贴,我会得到如下结果:

Oil and the Macroeconomy since World War 11 
James D. Hamilton 
University (f/' Virgiiwa 
All but one of the U.S. recessions since World War II have been preceded, typically with a lag of around three-fourths of a year, by a dramatic increase in the price of crude petroleum. This does not mean that oil shocks caused these recessions. Evidence is presented, however, that even over the period 1948-72 this correlation is statis- tically significant and nonspurlious, supporting the proposition that oil shocks were a contributing factor in at least some of the U.S. recessions prior to 1972. By extension, energy price increases may account for much of post-OPEC macroeconomic performance. 
I. Introduction 
The poor performance of the U.S. economy since 1973 is well docu- mented: 1. The rate of growth of real GNP has fallen from an average of 4.0 percent during 1960-72 to 2.4 percent for 1973-81. 2. The 7.6 percent average inflation rate during 1973-81 was more than double the 3.1 percent realized for 1960-72. 3. The average unemployment rate over 1973-81 of 6.7 percent was higher than in any year between 1948 and 1972 with the single exception of the recession of 1958. 
This paper is drawn from chap. 2 of my Ph.D. dissertation at the University of California, Berkeley. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the NBER/NSF 



doc <- "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/James_Hamilton11/publication/24108242_Oil_and_the_Macroeconomy_since_World_War_II/links/0c9605252c0916e709000000.pdf"
text <- pdf_text(doc)[[3]]
text_no_ws <- gsub("^|\n +", "\n", text)
