Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/r/84.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
如何让R脚本在mosix集群上并行运行?_R_Mosix - Fatal编程技术网


如何让R脚本在mosix集群上并行运行?,r,mosix,R,Mosix,我试图重新创建的示例在的第3部分中给出,它在集群管理的多个实例上执行简单的计算。主要计算发生在脚本“sim.R”中: 这让我想到程序从未运行或进入集群队列。我还使用“top”命令检查了系统进程,没有发现任何问题。在记录中,我已经成功地在MoS6集群上运行简单的C++程序。 我是否错过了让该程序运行的关键细节?如果将rbatch.local.run()移动到循环之外会发生什么?@MrFlick我得到了相同的输出,尽管它以:rbatch.local.run()rbatch.local.run()结尾



# sim.R
# If the "batch" package has not been installed, run the line below:
# install.packages("batch", repos = "http://cran.cnr.Berkeley.edu")
seed <- 1000
n <- 50
nsim <- 10000
mu <- c(0, 0.5)
sd <- c(1, 1)

pvalue <- rep(0,nsim)

for(i in 1:nsim) {
        X <- rnorm(n = n, mean = mu[1], sd = sd[1])
        Y <- rnorm(n = n, mean = mu[2], sd = sd[2])
        pvalue[i] <- t.test(X, Y)$p.value
power <- mean(pvalue <= 0.05)

out <- data.frame(seed = seed, nsim = nsim, n = n,
        mu = paste(mu, collapse = ","),
        sd = paste(sd, collapse = ","), power = power)
outfilename <- paste("res", seed, ".csv", sep = "")
write.csv(out, outfilename, row.names = FALSE)
seed <- 1000
for(i in 1:10) {
        seed <- rbatch("sim.R", seed = seed, n = 25, mu = c(0, i / 10))
        rbatch.local.run() # My understanding from the linked paper is that this line will do nothing if the script is run on a mosix cluster and not locally.
R --vanilla --args RBATCH mosix < param-sim.R
$ R --vanilla --args RBATCH mosix < param-sim.R

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> library("batch")
> seed <- 1000
> for(i in 1:10) {
+   seed <- rbatch("sim.R", seed = seed, n = 25, mu = c(0, i / 10))
+   rbatch.local.run()
+ }
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1000 n 25 mu "c(0,0.1)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1000 & 
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1001 n 25 mu "c(0,0.2)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1001 & 
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1002 n 25 mu "c(0,0.3)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1002 & 
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1003 n 25 mu "c(0,0.4)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1003 & nohup: 
redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1004 n 25 mu "c(0,0.5)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1004 & 
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1005 n 25 mu "c(0,0.6)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1005 & 
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1006 n 25 mu "c(0,0.7)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1006 & 
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1007 n 25 mu "c(0,0.8)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1007 & 
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1008 n 25 mu "c(0,0.9)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1008 & 
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup mosrun -e -b -q R --vanilla --args  seed 1009 n 25 mu "c(0,1)" < sim.R > sim.Rout1009 & 
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
rbatch.local.run: no commands have been batched.
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
mosrun - MOSIX Version 4.3.4
Usage: mosrun [location-options] [program-options] {program} [args]...
       mosrun -S{maxjobs} [location-options] [program-options]
       mosrun -R{filename} [-O{fd=filename}][,{fd2=fn2}]... [location-options]

       mosrun -I{filename}

  Location options - Node specification:
        -b                      try to start on 'best' available node
        -r{hostname}            start on given host
        -{a.b.c.d}              start on the node of given IP address
        -{n}                    start on given logical node number
        -h                      start on home node
  Other location options:
        -F                      do not fail if requested node is not available
        -L                      lock, disallow automatic migration
        -l                      unlock, allowing automatic migration
        -g                      disallow automatic freezing
        -G                      allow automatic freezing
        -m{mb}                  try to run only on nodes with >= mb free memory
        -A {minutes}            auto checkpoint interval in minutes (0-10000000)
        -N {max}                max. # of checkpoints before cycle (0-10000000)
  Program options:
        -e                      unsupported system calls produce -1/errno=ENOSYS
        -w                      as -e, but print warnings for unsupported calls
        -u                      unsupported system calls kill mosrun (default)
        -d {0-10000}            specify decay rate per second in parts of 10000
        -c                      consider program as a pure CPU job (ignore I/O)
        -n                      reverse '-c', so to include I/O considerations
        -C{filename}            test given checkpoint file
        -X{/directory}          declare private directory
        -z                      program arguments start at argument #0 (not #1)