
在R中导入非结构化软件日志文件?,r,R,下面是我们软件的日志文件示例。我喜欢在R语言的帮助下分析这些数据,以获得一些洞察信息 2014年3月30日17:59:58.1244(6628 6452)Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:854:错误:组7失败,错误=0x8004000f 2014年3月30日17:59:58.1254(6628 6452)Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:880:错误:组7的3次重试失败 2014年3月30日18:00:04.8491(-1 1376 13900)Modu


2014年3月30日17:59:58.1244(6628 6452)Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:854:错误:组7失败,错误=0x8004000f

2014年3月30日17:59:58.1254(6628 6452)Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:880:错误:组7的3次重试失败

2014年3月30日18:00:04.8491(-1 1376 13900)Module2.exe:执行:803:信息-执行命令1

2014年3月30日18:00:08.6213(-1 1376 13900)Module2.exe:执行:603:信息-命令1已完成

2014年3月30日18:00:08.6273(-1 1376 13900)Module2.exe:执行:803:信息-执行命令2



2014年3月30日17:59:58.1244(6628 6452)模块1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:854:错误:第7组失败,错误=0x8004000f

我尝试在R studio中使用“导入数据集”-->“从文件”导入此数据集。我尝试了不同的选择。但它无法识别字段。是否有基于模式或正则表达式的选项拆分


  • R语言v3.0.3
  • R工作室
  • 视窗7




text <- readLines("log.log")
rx <- "^([0-9]+-[^-]+[0-9]+) +([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+[.][0-9]+) +.*$"
stopifnot(grepl(rx, text))


x <- scan(text = "30-Mar-14 17:59:58.1244 (6628 6452) Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:854: ERROR: group 7 failed with error = 0x8004000f

30-Mar-14 17:59:58.1254 (6628 6452) Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:880: ERROR: group 7 failed on its 3 retry

30-Mar-14 18:00:04.8491 ( -1 1376 13900) Module2.exe:Execute:803: Information - Executing command 1

30-Mar-14 18:00:08.6213 ( -1 1376 13900) Module2.exe:Execute:603: Information - command 1 completed.

30-Mar-14 18:00:08.6273 ( -1 1376 13900) Module2.exe:Execute:803: Information - Executing command 2",
    what = '', sep = '\n')

# pull off date/time
dateTime <- sapply(strsplit(x, ' '), '[', 1:2)
# piece together with "|"
dateTime <- apply(dateTime, 2, paste, collapse = "|")
newX <- sub("^[^ ]+ [^(]+", "", x) 
# extract the data in parenthesises
par1 <- sub("(\\([^)]+\\)).*", "\\1", newX)
newX <- sub("[^)]+\\)", "", newX)  # remove data just matched

# parse the rest of the data
x <- strsplit(newX, ":")
y <- sapply(x, function(.line){
    paste(c(paste(c(.line[1], .line[2]), collapse = ":")
      , paste0(":", .line[3], ":")
      , paste(.line[-(1:3)], collapse = ":")
      ), collapse = "|")

# put it all back together
    , dateTime
    , "|"
    , par1
    , "|"
    , y
    , "|"

date.time <- gsub(rx, "\\1\n\\2", text)
date.time.l <- strsplit(date.time, "\n")
do.call(rbind, date.time.l)
x <- scan(text = "30-Mar-14 17:59:58.1244 (6628 6452) Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:854: ERROR: group 7 failed with error = 0x8004000f

30-Mar-14 17:59:58.1254 (6628 6452) Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v:880: ERROR: group 7 failed on its 3 retry

30-Mar-14 18:00:04.8491 ( -1 1376 13900) Module2.exe:Execute:803: Information - Executing command 1

30-Mar-14 18:00:08.6213 ( -1 1376 13900) Module2.exe:Execute:603: Information - command 1 completed.

30-Mar-14 18:00:08.6273 ( -1 1376 13900) Module2.exe:Execute:803: Information - Executing command 2",
    what = '', sep = '\n')

# pull off date/time
dateTime <- sapply(strsplit(x, ' '), '[', 1:2)
# piece together with "|"
dateTime <- apply(dateTime, 2, paste, collapse = "|")
newX <- sub("^[^ ]+ [^(]+", "", x) 
# extract the data in parenthesises
par1 <- sub("(\\([^)]+\\)).*", "\\1", newX)
newX <- sub("[^)]+\\)", "", newX)  # remove data just matched

# parse the rest of the data
x <- strsplit(newX, ":")
y <- sapply(x, function(.line){
    paste(c(paste(c(.line[1], .line[2]), collapse = ":")
      , paste0(":", .line[3], ":")
      , paste(.line[-(1:3)], collapse = ":")
      ), collapse = "|")

# put it all back together
    , dateTime
    , "|"
    , par1
    , "|"
    , y
    , "|"
[1] "|30-Mar-14|17:59:58.1244|(6628 6452)| Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v|:854:| ERROR: group 7 failed with error = 0x8004000f|"
[2] "|30-Mar-14|17:59:58.1254|(6628 6452)| Module1.exe:Program1.cpp,v|:880:| ERROR: group 7 failed on its 3 retry|"         
[3] "|30-Mar-14|18:00:04.8491|( -1 1376 13900)| Module2.exe:Execute|:803:| Information - Executing command 1|"              
[4] "|30-Mar-14|18:00:08.6213|( -1 1376 13900)| Module2.exe:Execute|:603:| Information - command 1 completed.|"             
[5] "|30-Mar-14|18:00:08.6273|( -1 1376 13900)| Module2.exe:Execute|:803:| Information - Executing command 2|"