R 制作一个堆叠面积图,每组整齐地叠在一起

R 制作一个堆叠面积图,每组整齐地叠在一起,r,ggplot2,R,Ggplot2,数据框在下面。我正在尝试创建一个堆叠面积图,其中每个组一个叠在另一个上 以下是我目前正在抓的救命稻草: example_df %>% group_by(NEW_REG_DATE, CARD_TYPE) %>% summarise(Count = n()) %>% ggplot(aes(x = NEW_REG_DATE, y = Count, fill = CARD_TYPE, group = CARD_TYPE)) + geom_area(alpha = 0.4) +



example_df %>% group_by(NEW_REG_DATE, CARD_TYPE) %>% summarise(Count = n()) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = NEW_REG_DATE, y = Count, fill = CARD_TYPE, group = CARD_TYPE)) +
  geom_area(alpha = 0.4) +
  stat_summary(aes(group = 2), fun.y = sum, geom = 'line', size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_x_date(date_labels = "%d-%b", date_breaks = "1 week", expand = c(0, 0)) +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1), legend.position = "bottom")



example_df <- structure(list(NEW_REG_DATE = structure(c(16806, 16792, 16792, 
16802, 16826, 16882, 16779, 16783, 16876, 16779, 16822, 16835, 
16802, 16815, 16823, 16867, 16801, 16872, 16800, 16823, 16868, 
16792, 16779, 16853, 16773, 16877, 16820, 16866, 16783, 16779, 
16835, 16832, 16847, 16870, 16872, 16847, 16862, 16854, 16792, 
16893, 16781, 16812, 16816, 16851, 16791, 16867, 16771, 16865, 
16785, 16857, 16787, 16813, 16830, 16849, 16785, 16873, 16856, 
16770, 16810, 16822, 16782, 16877, 16841, 16777, 16865, 16841, 
16830, 16827, 16789, 16850, 16768, 16796, 16784, 16785, 16784, 
16831, 16815, 16853, 16845, 16865, 16770, 16878, 16878, 16789, 
16788, 16796, 16791, 16808, 16814, 16853, 16792, 16820, 16785, 
16770, 16847, 16772, 16810, 16864, 16810, 16800, 16822, 16861, 
16830, 16775, 16810, 16822, 16771, 16826, 16773, 16886, 16777, 
16779, 16867, 16866, 16814, 16859, 16775, 16791, 16809, 16808, 
16871, 16774, 16868, 16791, 16792, 16835, 16848, 16787, 16877, 
16783, 16775, 16822, 16788, 16793, 16793, 16790, 16802, 16796, 
16820, 16779, 16810, 16866, 16783, 16842, 16785, 16772, 16821, 
16794, 16779, 16862, 16802, 16877, 16798, 16802, 16787, 16862, 
16877, 16812, 16800, 16787, 16826, 16868), class = "Date"), CARD_TYPE = c("Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Adult", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Adult", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Adult", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Adult", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Adult", "Youth", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", "Youth", 
"Youth", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent", 
"Youth with Parent", "Youth", "Youth with Parent")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
-162L), .Names = c("NEW_REG_DATE", "CARD_TYPE"))

example\u df您的代码有望正常工作,但问题显然是数据中缺少大量的
(新的\u REG\u日期,卡片类型)

example_df$CARD_TYPE <- factor(example_df$CARD_TYPE)
example_df %>% group_by(NEW_REG_DATE, CARD_TYPE) %>% summarise(Count = n()) %>%
  complete(NEW_REG_DATE, CARD_TYPE, fill = list(Count = 0)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = NEW_REG_DATE, y = Count)) +
  geom_area(aes(fill = CARD_TYPE), alpha = 0.4) +
  stat_summary(aes(group = 2), fun.y = sum, geom = 'line', size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_x_date(date_labels = "%d-%b", date_breaks = "1 week", expand = c(0, 0)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1), legend.position = "bottom")
示例\u df$CARD\u TYPE%group\u by(新注册日期,卡片类型)%%>%summary(Count=n())%%>%
主题(axis.text.x=element\u text(角度=90,hjust=1),legend.position=“底部”)
