Regex 使用正则表达式在html中查找描述性文本块

Regex 使用正则表达式在html中查找描述性文本块,regex,Regex,我正试图弄明白如何使用前瞻来捕获html页面中的描述性文本,例如 <div class="itemBanner" style="float:left; padding:10px"> <div style="padding-right:5px; padding-bottom:5px"> <div class="itemBanner"> HTML Tags Stripper is designed to strip HTML tags from the text.


<div class="itemBanner" style="float:left; padding:10px">
<div style="padding-right:5px; padding-bottom:5px">
<div class="itemBanner">
HTML Tags Stripper is designed to strip HTML tags from the text. It will also strip embedded JavaScript code, style information (style sheets), as well as code inside php/asp tags (&lt;?php ?&gt; &lt;%php ?&gt; &lt;% %&gt;). It will also replace sequence of new line characters (multiple) with only one. <b>Allow tags</b> feature is session sticky, i.e. it will remember allowed tags list, so you will have to type them only once.<p></p>You can either provide text in text area below, or enter URL of the web page. If URL provided then HTML Tags Stripper will visit web-page for its contents.<p></p>
<b>Known issues:</b><br />




item_banner_div_regex = /<div class="itemBanner">(.*?)<\/div>/
match = item_banner_div_regex.match(html)
inside_item_banner_div = match && match[1]