Ruby on rails 在irb中的命令行上导航

Ruby on rails 在irb中的命令行上导航,ruby-on-rails,ruby,irb,Ruby On Rails,Ruby,Irb,我看到过一些屏幕广播,其中用户运行irb,当他们写文本时,他们跳转到行的开头/结尾和单词的开头/结尾。按键是用来做这件事的?这取决于正在使用的外壳吗 Ctrl + A => Move to beginning of line Ctrl + E => Move to end of line 这些是readline命令 下面是一个您可能会发现非常有用的快捷方式,这些都是readline快捷方式。我经常使用的一些快捷方式: Ctrl + a => End of line Ctrl


Ctrl + A => Move to beginning of line
Ctrl + E => Move to end of line 


Ctrl + a => End of line
Ctrl + e => Start of line
Ctrl + l => Clear screen
Ctrl + k => Cut text from cursor position till end of line
Ctrl + u => Cut text from cursor position till start of line
Ctrl + y => Paste text that was cut using above two shortcuts
Ctrl + d => Delete a letter after cursor
Ctrl + h => Delete a letter before cursor
Meta + d => Delete the word after cursor
Meta + f => Move cursor one word forward
Meta + b => Move cursor one word backwards.
