Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/5/ruby/22.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Ruby on rails Heroku:无法通过捆绑程序安装gems-部署到Heroku时出现问题_Ruby On Rails_Ruby_Heroku_Gemfile_Ruby On Rails 5.1 - Fatal编程技术网

Ruby on rails Heroku:无法通过捆绑程序安装gems-部署到Heroku时出现问题

Ruby on rails Heroku:无法通过捆绑程序安装gems-部署到Heroku时出现问题,ruby-on-rails,ruby,heroku,gemfile,ruby-on-rails-5.1,Ruby On Rails,Ruby,Heroku,Gemfile,Ruby On Rails 5.1,在过去的几个小时里,我一直试图使用git push Heroku master将我的Rails应用程序推送到Heroku,但一直遇到问题。这是输出: remote: Compressing source files... done. remote: Building source: remote: remote: ! Warning: Multiple default buildpacks reported the ability to handle this app. The f

在过去的几个小时里,我一直试图使用git push Heroku master将我的Rails应用程序推送到Heroku,但一直遇到问题。这是输出:

remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote:  !     Warning: Multiple default buildpacks reported the ability 
to handle this app. The first buildpack in the list below will be used.
remote:             Detected buildpacks: Ruby,Node.js
remote:             See 
remote: -----> Ruby app detected
remote: -----> Compiling Ruby/Rails
remote: -----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.4.4
remote: -----> Installing dependencies using bundler 1.15.2
remote:        Running: bundle install --without development:test --path 
vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment
remote:        Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.15.2) is older 
than the version that created the lockfile (1.16.3). We suggest you 
upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install 
remote:        Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
remote:        Fetching version metadata from https://rubygems.org/..
remote:        Fetching dependency metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
remote:        Fetching rake 12.3.1
remote:        Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.0.5
remote:        Fetching minitest 5.11.3
remote:        Installing minitest 5.11.3
remote:        Installing rake 12.3.1
remote:        Installing concurrent-ruby 1.0.5
remote:        Fetching thread_safe 0.3.6
remote:        Installing thread_safe 0.3.6
remote:        Fetching builder 3.2.3
remote:        Installing builder 3.2.3
remote:        Fetching erubi 1.7.1
remote:        Fetching mini_portile2 2.3.0
remote:        Installing erubi 1.7.1
remote:        Installing mini_portile2 2.3.0
remote:        Fetching crass 1.0.4
remote:        Fetching rack 2.0.5
remote:        Installing crass 1.0.4
remote:        Fetching nio4r 2.3.1
remote:        Installing nio4r 2.3.1 with native extensions
remote:        Installing rack 2.0.5
remote:        Fetching websocket-extensions 0.1.3
remote:        Installing websocket-extensions 0.1.3
remote:        Fetching mini_mime 1.0.0
remote:        Installing mini_mime 1.0.0
remote:        Fetching arel 8.0.0
remote:        Installing arel 8.0.0
remote:        Fetching execjs 2.7.0
remote:        Fetching bcrypt 3.1.12
remote:        Installing execjs 2.7.0
remote:        Installing bcrypt 3.1.12 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching rb-fsevent 0.10.3
remote:        Installing rb-fsevent 0.10.3
remote:        Fetching ffi 1.9.25
remote:        Installing ffi 1.9.25 with native extensions
remote:        Using bundler 1.15.2
remote:        Fetching chronic 0.10.2
remote:        Installing chronic 0.10.2
remote:        Fetching coffee-script-source 1.12.2
remote:        Installing coffee-script-source 1.12.2
remote:        Fetching method_source 0.9.0
remote:        Installing method_source 0.9.0
remote:        Fetching thor 0.20.0
remote:        Installing thor 0.20.0
remote:        Fetching orm_adapter 0.5.0
remote:        Installing orm_adapter 0.5.0
remote:        Fetching devise-bootstrapped 0.1.1
remote:        Installing devise-bootstrapped 0.1.1
remote:        Fetching multi_json 1.13.1
remote:        Installing multi_json 1.13.1
remote:        Fetching puma 3.12.0
remote:        Installing puma 3.12.0 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching tilt 2.0.8
remote:        Installing tilt 2.0.8
remote:        Fetching sqlite3 1.3.13
remote:        Installing sqlite3 1.3.13 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching turbolinks-source 5.1.0
remote:        Installing turbolinks-source 5.1.0
remote:        Fetching i18n 1.0.1
remote:        Installing i18n 1.0.1
remote:        Fetching tzinfo 1.2.5
remote:        Installing tzinfo 1.2.5
remote:        Fetching nokogiri 1.8.4
remote:        Installing nokogiri 1.8.4 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching websocket-driver 0.6.5
remote:        Installing websocket-driver 0.6.5 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching mail 2.7.0
remote:        Installing mail 2.7.0
remote:        Fetching rack-test 1.0.0
remote:        Installing rack-test 1.0.0
remote:        Fetching warden 1.2.7
remote:        Installing warden 1.2.7
remote:        Fetching sprockets 3.7.2
remote:        Installing sprockets 3.7.2
remote:        Fetching autoprefixer-rails 9.0.0
remote:        Installing autoprefixer-rails 9.0.0
remote:        Fetching uglifier 4.1.15
remote:        Installing uglifier 4.1.15
remote:        Fetching whenever 0.10.0
remote:        Installing whenever 0.10.0
remote:        Fetching coffee-script 2.4.1
remote:        Installing coffee-script 2.4.1
remote:        Fetching rb-inotify 0.9.10
remote:        Installing rb-inotify 0.9.10
remote:        Fetching turbolinks 5.1.1
remote:        Installing turbolinks 5.1.1
remote:        Fetching faker 1.9.1
remote:        Installing faker 1.9.1
remote:        Fetching activesupport 5.1.6
remote:        Installing activesupport 5.1.6
remote:        Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native 
remote:        current directory:
remote:        /tmp/build_4bda83927de17e82c06097acea1b6b55/vendor/ruby- 
2.4.4/bin/ruby -r
remote:        ./siteconf20180718-265-17bd8cb.rb extconf.rb
remote:        checking for sqlite3.h... no
remote:        sqlite3.h is missing. Try 'brew install sqlite3',
remote:        'yum install sqlite-devel' or 'apt-get install 
remote:        and check your shared library search path (the
remote:        location where your sqlite3 shared library is located).
remote:        *** extconf.rb failed ***
remote:        Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably 
lack of necessary
remote:        libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for 
more details.  You may
remote:        need configuration options.
remote:        Provided configuration options:
remote:         --with-opt-dir
remote:         --without-opt-dir
remote:         --with-opt-include
remote:         --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include
remote:         --with-opt-lib
remote:         --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib
remote:         --with-make-prog
remote:         --without-make-prog
remote:         --srcdir=.
remote:         --curdir
remote:        -- 
remote:         --with-sqlite3-config
remote:         --without-sqlite3-config
remote:         --with-pkg-config
remote:         --without-pkg-config
remote:         --with-sqlite3-dir
remote:         --without-sqlite3-dir
remote:         --with-sqlite3-include
remote:         --without-sqlite3-include=${sqlite3-dir}/include
remote:         --with-sqlite3-lib
remote:         --without-sqlite3-lib=${sqlite3-dir}/lib
remote:        To see why this extension failed to compile, please check 
the mkmf.log which can
remote:        be found here:
remote:        extconf failed, exit code 1
remote:        Gem files will remain installed in
remote:        for inspection.
remote:        Results logged to
remote:        An error occurred while installing sqlite3 (1.3.13), and 
Bundler cannot
remote:        continue.
remote:        Make sure that `gem install sqlite3 -v '1.3.13'` succeeds 
before bundling.
remote:        In Gemfile:
remote:          sqlite3
remote:        Bundler Output: Warning: the running version of Bundler 
(1.15.2) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.16.3). 
We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem 
install bundler`.
remote:        Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
remote:        Fetching version metadata from https://rubygems.org/..
remote:        Fetching dependency metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
remote:        Fetching rake 12.3.1
remote:        Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.0.5
remote:        Fetching minitest 5.11.3
remote:        Installing minitest 5.11.3
remote:        Installing rake 12.3.1
remote:        Installing concurrent-ruby 1.0.5
remote:        Fetching thread_safe 0.3.6
remote:        Installing thread_safe 0.3.6
remote:        Fetching builder 3.2.3
remote:        Installing builder 3.2.3
remote:        Fetching erubi 1.7.1
remote:        Fetching mini_portile2 2.3.0
remote:        Installing erubi 1.7.1
remote:        Installing mini_portile2 2.3.0
remote:        Fetching crass 1.0.4
remote:        Fetching rack 2.0.5
remote:        Installing crass 1.0.4
remote:        Fetching nio4r 2.3.1
remote:        Installing nio4r 2.3.1 with native extensions
remote:        Installing rack 2.0.5
remote:        Fetching websocket-extensions 0.1.3
remote:        Installing websocket-extensions 0.1.3
remote:        Fetching mini_mime 1.0.0
remote:        Installing mini_mime 1.0.0
remote:        Fetching arel 8.0.0
remote:        Installing arel 8.0.0
remote:        Fetching execjs 2.7.0
remote:        Fetching bcrypt 3.1.12
remote:        Installing execjs 2.7.0
remote:        Installing bcrypt 3.1.12 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching rb-fsevent 0.10.3
remote:        Installing rb-fsevent 0.10.3
remote:        Fetching ffi 1.9.25
remote:        Installing ffi 1.9.25 with native extensions
remote:        Using bundler 1.15.2
remote:        Fetching chronic 0.10.2
remote:        Installing chronic 0.10.2
remote:        Fetching coffee-script-source 1.12.2
remote:        Installing coffee-script-source 1.12.2
remote:        Fetching method_source 0.9.0
remote:        Installing method_source 0.9.0
remote:        Fetching thor 0.20.0
remote:        Installing thor 0.20.0
remote:        Fetching orm_adapter 0.5.0
remote:        Installing orm_adapter 0.5.0
remote:        Fetching devise-bootstrapped 0.1.1
remote:        Installing devise-bootstrapped 0.1.1
remote:        Fetching multi_json 1.13.1
remote:        Installing multi_json 1.13.1
remote:        Fetching puma 3.12.0
remote:        Installing puma 3.12.0 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching tilt 2.0.8
remote:        Installing tilt 2.0.8
remote:        Fetching sqlite3 1.3.13
remote:        Installing sqlite3 1.3.13 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching turbolinks-source 5.1.0
remote:        Installing turbolinks-source 5.1.0
remote:        Fetching i18n 1.0.1
remote:        Installing i18n 1.0.1
remote:        Fetching tzinfo 1.2.5
remote:        Installing tzinfo 1.2.5
remote:        Fetching nokogiri 1.8.4
remote:        Installing nokogiri 1.8.4 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching websocket-driver 0.6.5
remote:        Installing websocket-driver 0.6.5 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching mail 2.7.0
remote:        Installing mail 2.7.0
remote:        Fetching rack-test 1.0.0
remote:        Installing rack-test 1.0.0
remote:        Fetching warden 1.2.7
remote:        Installing warden 1.2.7
remote:        Fetching sprockets 3.7.2
remote:        Installing sprockets 3.7.2
remote:        Fetching autoprefixer-rails 9.0.0
remote:        Installing autoprefixer-rails 9.0.0
remote:        Fetching uglifier 4.1.15
remote:        Installing uglifier 4.1.15
remote:        Fetching whenever 0.10.0
remote:        Installing whenever 0.10.0
remote:        Fetching coffee-script 2.4.1
remote:        Installing coffee-script 2.4.1
remote:        Fetching rb-inotify 0.9.10
remote:        Installing rb-inotify 0.9.10
remote:        Fetching turbolinks 5.1.1
remote:        Installing turbolinks 5.1.1
remote:        Fetching faker 1.9.1
remote:        Installing faker 1.9.1
remote:        Fetching activesupport 5.1.6
remote:        Installing activesupport 5.1.6
remote:        Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native 
remote:        current directory:
remote:        /tmp/build_4bda83927de17e82c06097acea1b6b55/vendor/ruby- 
2.4.4/bin/ruby -r
remote:        ./siteconf20180718-265-17bd8cb.rb extconf.rb
remote:        checking for sqlite3.h... no
remote:        sqlite3.h is missing. Try 'brew install sqlite3',
remote:        'yum install sqlite-devel' or 'apt-get install 
remote:        and check your shared library search path (the
remote:        location where your sqlite3 shared library is located).
remote:        *** extconf.rb failed ***
remote:        Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably 
lack of necessary
remote:        libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for 
more details.  You may
remote:        need configuration options.
remote:        Provided configuration options:
remote:         --with-opt-dir
remote:         --without-opt-dir
remote:         --with-opt-include
remote:         --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include
remote:         --with-opt-lib
remote:         --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib
remote:         --with-make-prog
remote:         --without-make-prog
remote:         --srcdir=.
remote:         --curdir
remote:        --
remote:         --with-sqlite3-config
remote:         --without-sqlite3-config
remote:         --with-pkg-config
remote:         --without-pkg-config
remote:         --with-sqlite3-dir
remote:         --without-sqlite3-dir
remote:         --with-sqlite3-include
remote:         --without-sqlite3-include=${sqlite3-dir}/include
remote:         --with-sqlite3-lib
remote:         --without-sqlite3-lib=${sqlite3-dir}/lib
remote:        To see why this extension failed to compile, please check 
the mkmf.log which can
remote:        be found here:
remote:        extconf failed, exit code 1
remote:        Gem files will remain installed in
remote:        for inspection.
remote:        Results logged to
remote:        An error occurred while installing sqlite3 (1.3.13), and 
Bundler cannot
remote:        continue.
remote:        Make sure that `gem install sqlite3 -v '1.3.13'` succeeds 
before bundling.
remote:        In Gemfile:
remote:          sqlite3
remote:  !
remote:  !     Failed to install gems via Bundler.
remote:  !     Detected sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku:
remote:  !     https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/sqlite3
remote:  !
remote:  !     Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app.
remote:  !     Push failed
remote: Verifying deploy...
remote: !   Push rejected to glacial-reaches-77008.
To https://git.heroku.com/glacial-reaches-77008.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
bundle update
bundle install

bundle update
bundle install
git add
git commit
git push heroku master


source 'https://rubygems.org'

git_source(:github) do |repo_name|
  repo_name = "#{repo_name}/#{repo_name}" unless repo_name.include?("/")

# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'rails', '~> 5.1.4'
# Use sqlite3 as the database for Active Record
gem 'sqlite3'
# Use Puma as the app server
gem 'puma', '~> 3.7'
# Use SCSS for stylesheets
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'
# Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
# See https://github.com/rails/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes
# gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby

gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.3.7'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'growlyflash'

gem 'devise'
gem 'devise-bootstrapped'
gem 'whenever', require: false

gem 'faker'

# Use CoffeeScript for .coffee assets and views
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.2'
# Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster. Read more: 
gem 'turbolinks', '~> 5'
# Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more: 
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.5'
# Use Redis adapter to run Action Cable in production
# gem 'redis', '~> 3.0'
# Use ActiveModel has_secure_password
# gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'

# Use Capistrano for deployment
# gem 'capistrano-rails', group: :development

group :development, :test do
  # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a 
  debugger console
  gem 'byebug', platforms: [:mri, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
  # Adds support for Capybara system testing and selenium driver
  gem 'capybara', '~> 2.13'
  gem 'selenium-webdriver'
  gem 'pry-rails'
  gem 'binding_of_caller'
  gem 'better_errors'


group :development do
  # Access an IRB console on exception pages or by using <%= console %> 
  anywhere in the code.
  gem 'web-console', '>= 3.3.0'
  gem 'listen', '>= 3.0.5', '< 3.2'
  # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in 
  the background. Read more: https://github.com/rails/spring
  gem 'spring'
  gem 'spring-watcher-listen', '~> 2.0.0'

# Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]

bundle安装``git add
git commit

Heroku无法安装sqlite3 gem,因此在生产中需要将其替换为
pg gem

group :development, :test do
 gem 'sqlite3'

group :production do
 gem 'pg'

group :development, :test do
 gem 'sqlite3'

group :production do
 gem 'pg'