Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/5/ruby/23.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Ruby RESTAPI测试步骤最佳实践_Ruby_Rest_Cucumber_Web Api Testing - Fatal编程技术网

Ruby RESTAPI测试步骤最佳实践

Ruby RESTAPI测试步骤最佳实践,ruby,rest,cucumber,web-api-testing,Ruby,Rest,Cucumber,Web Api Testing,尝试编写RESTAPI测试的特性步骤 我不确定哪种方法更好: Given I log in with username and password When I add one "tv" into my cart And I check my cart Then I should see the item "tv" is in my cart 或 当人们试图为REST API编写cucumber步骤时,有什么约定可以遵循吗?cucumber的一个初衷是弥合技术实现和了解业务需求的人之间的差距,以



Given I log in with username and password
When I add one "tv" into my cart
And I check my cart
Then I should see the item "tv" is in my cart

当人们试图为REST API编写cucumber步骤时,有什么约定可以遵循吗?






这里有一个(足够接近)的例子,说明了实用主义程序员的《黄瓜书》中关于通过Cuke测试REST API的内容,它似乎与您的第二个例子更为接近:

Feature: Addresses
  In order to complete the information on the place
  I need an address

Scenario: Addresses
  Given the system knows about the following addresses:
  When client requests GET /addresses
  Then the response should be JSON:
     {"venue": "foo", "address": "bar"},
     { more stuff }

Given(/^the system knows about the following addresses:$/) do |addresses| 
# table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table
  File.open('addresses.json', 'w') do |io|

When(/^client requests GET (.*)$/) do |path|
   @last_response = HTTParty.get('local host url goes here' + path)

Then /^the response should be JSON:$/ do |json|
   JSON.parse(@last_response.body).should == JSON.parse(json)
ENV File:

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'address_app')
require 'rack/test'
require 'json'
require 'sinatra'
require 'cucumber'
require 'httparty'
require 'childprocess'
require 'timeout'

server = ChildProcess.build("rackup", "--port", "9000")
Timeout.timeout(3) do
  loop do
      HTTParty.get('local host here')
    rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => try_again
      sleep 0.1

at_exit do

rails API

关于如何编写黄瓜步骤,没有约定。编写步骤的方式取决于您希望如何使用cucumber套件。我使用cucumber输出作为Angular JS客户端开发人员实现API客户端的参考。因此,我的cucumber步骤包含实际的JSON请求和响应,以及每个场景的状态代码。这使得每当发生变化时(特别是当客户端团队不在我的工作场所时),与客户端团队沟通变得非常容易





Scenario: List fruit
  Given the system knows about the following fruit:
    | name       | color  |
    | banana     | yellow |
    | strawberry | red    |
  When the client requests a list of fruit
  Then the response is a list containing 2 fruits
  And one fruit has the following attributes:
    | attribute | type   | value  |
    | name      | String | banana |
    | color     | String | yellow |
  And one fruit has the following attributes:
    | attribute | type   | value      |
    | name      | String | strawberry |
    | color     | String | red        |





请参见此处:。它提供了Cucumber DSL来测试RESTful API。


  • 。(推荐)
  • 。这是一个小教程

以下是我如何使用“cucumber api步骤”(推荐)编写测试的方法:

Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add” with the following:
       | item | body |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "success" with the text "true"
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should be "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "firstName" with the text "Katie"
Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add”
       And I set JSON request body to '{item: body}'
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “success” with value “true”
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should follow "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “firstName”
下面是我使用“cucumber api步骤”进行测试的情况:

Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add” with the following:
       | item | body |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "success" with the text "true"
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should be "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "firstName" with the text "Katie"
Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add”
       And I set JSON request body to '{item: body}'
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “success” with value “true”
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should follow "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “firstName”
以下是我如何使用“cucumber api”编写测试的方法:

Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add” with the following:
       | item | body |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "success" with the text "true"
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should be "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "firstName" with the text "Katie"
Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add”
       And I set JSON request body to '{item: body}'
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “success” with value “true”
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should follow "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “firstName”
下面是我使用“cucumber api”进行测试的情况:

Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add” with the following:
       | item | body |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "success" with the text "true"
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should be "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the JSON response should have "firstName" with the text "Katie"
Scenario: Successfully add to cart
  Given I am logged in
  When I send a POST request to “/cart/add”
       And I set JSON request body to '{item: body}'
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “success” with value “true”
  When I send a GET request to “/cart”
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should follow "{'items': ['tv']}"
Scenario: Successfully log in
  Given I am logged out
  When I send a POST request to “/login” with:
       | username | katie@gmail.com |
       | password | mypassword |
  Then the response status should be “200”
  And the response should have key “firstName”
  • 关于Cucumber API的注意事项:目前没有办法执行
  • “Follow”还需要一个JSON文件








1) 与BAs和POs合作,使用非特定于实现的语言(如您的第一个示例)开发他们想要的行为示例

2) 工程师使用这些方法从测试优先的方法推动开发,将它们作为集成测试自动化——大多数在浏览器下方(例如,针对REST API),大多数核心场景也通过浏览器(如果您正在开发)

3) 工程师使用单元测试对功能代码进行TDD,直到单元测试和BDD示例都通过
