
“理解”;类型参数不符合类型参数界限;Scala中的错误,scala,bounded-quantification,Scala,Bounded Quantification,为什么不做下面的工作 scala> abstract class Foo[B<:Foo[B]] defined class Foo scala> class Goo[B<:Foo[B]](x: B) defined class Goo scala> trait Hoo[B<:Foo[B]] { self: B => new Goo(self) } <console>:9: error: inferred type arguments [H


scala> abstract class Foo[B<:Foo[B]]
defined class Foo

scala> class Goo[B<:Foo[B]](x: B)
defined class Goo

scala> trait Hoo[B<:Foo[B]] { self: B => new Goo(self) }
<console>:9: error: inferred type arguments [Hoo[B] with B] do not conform to class Goo's type parameter bounds [B <: Foo[B]]
       trait Hoo[B<:Foo[B]] { self: B => new Goo(self) }

scala> trait Hoo[B<:Foo[B]] extends Foo[B] { new Goo(this) }
<console>:9: error: inferred type arguments [Hoo[B]] do not conform to class Goo's type parameter bounds [B <: Foo[B]]
       trait Hoo[B<:Foo[B]] extends Foo[B] { new Goo(this) }

class XDefinitionHelper[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R) {
  def BYTEA = ...

trait XRecord[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]] { self: R =>
  implicit def newView(x: String) = new XDefinitionHelper(x, self)


scala> trait MyTrait[T <: MyTrait[T]] { self: T => def hello = println("hello") }

scala> case class User(t: MyTrait[_])
<console>:8: error: type arguments [_$1] do not conform to trait MyTrait's type parameter bounds [T <: MyTrait[T]]
       case class User(t: MyTrait[_])

scala> case class User(t: () => MyTrait[_])
defined class User
scala>trait MyTrait[T def hello=println(“hello”)}
:8:错误:类型参数[$1]不符合trait MyTrait的类型参数界限[T case class User(T:()=>MyTrait[$1])

类Ioo扩展Hoo[Ioo]{new Goo(this)}
class XDefinitionHelper[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R) {
  def BYTEA = ...

trait XRecord[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]] { self: R =>
  implicit def newView(x: String) = new XDefinitionHelper(x, self)
scala> trait MyTrait[T <: MyTrait[T]] { self: T => def hello = println("hello") }

scala> case class User(t: MyTrait[_])
<console>:8: error: type arguments [_$1] do not conform to trait MyTrait's type parameter bounds [T <: MyTrait[T]]
       case class User(t: MyTrait[_])

scala> case class User(t: () => MyTrait[_])
defined class User