Sdk 外部网站Facebook登录已停止工作

Sdk 外部网站Facebook登录已停止工作,sdk,facebook-c#-sdk,Sdk,Facebook C# Sdk,当我尝试使用facebook登录我的网站时,我被重定向到了facebook,直到昨天它还运行得很好。我正在使用facebook sdk和此代码 Facebook.Components.FacebookService _fbService=新建Facebook.Components.FacebookService private const string FACEBOOK_API_KEY = "MY KEY"; private const string FACEBOOK_SECRET = "MY

当我尝试使用facebook登录我的网站时,我被重定向到了facebook,直到昨天它还运行得很好。我正在使用facebook sdk和此代码

Facebook.Components.FacebookService _fbService=新建Facebook.Components.FacebookService

private const string FACEBOOK_API_KEY = "MY KEY";
private const string FACEBOOK_SECRET = "MY SECRET";

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    // ApplicationKey and Secret are acquired when you sign up for 
    _fbService.ApplicationKey = FACEBOOK_API_KEY;
    _fbService.Secret = FACEBOOK_SECRET;
    _fbService.IsDesktopApplication = false;

    string sessionKey = Session["facebook_session_key"] as String;
    string userId = Session["facebook_userId"] as String;

    // When the user uses the facebook login page, the redirect back here will will have the auth_token in the query params
    string authToken = Request.QueryString["auth_token"];

    // We have already established a session on behalf of this user
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionKey))
        _fbService.SessionKey = sessionKey;
        _fbService.UserId = userId;
    // This will be executed when facebook login redirects to our page
    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken)) 
        Session["facebook_session_key"] = _fbService.SessionKey;
        Session["facebook_userId"] = _fbService.UserId;
        Session["facebook_session_expires"] = _fbService.SessionExpires;
    // Need to login
        Response.Redirect(@"" + _fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0");


