Selenium webdriver 与两个要素文件相比,只有两个步骤不同。(爪哇)

Selenium webdriver 与两个要素文件相比,只有两个步骤不同。(爪哇),selenium-webdriver,ui-automation,cucumber-java,Selenium Webdriver,Ui Automation,Cucumber Java,我在学黄瓜。我有两种情况。由于公司的政策,我不能说确切的数字。第一步文件如下 Scenario 1: Flow with attachments Given Login to APP When User chooses "country" And clicks "Yes" And attaches "files" And Go to location page And add comments Then Submit Scenario


Scenario 1: Flow with attachments
Given Login to APP
When User chooses "country"
And clicks "Yes"
And attaches "files"
And Go to location page
And add comments
Then Submit

Scenario2: Flow without attachments
Given Login to APP
When User chooses "country"
And clicks "Yes"
And add players manually
And User picks players
And User clicks on a player
And does the settings
And Go to location page
And add comments
Then Submit

我是否需要在场景2中再次编写所有步骤,或者我可以做些什么,以便绕过在功能文件中编写所有步骤。 我的意思是,我可以在第二个特性中只维护不同的步骤,就像我们编写步骤文件或胶水代码那样。



此外,从您提供的示例来看,我不清楚您正在测试/断言什么。我总是发现,使用“给定/和”设置系统的原始状态、“何时/和”执行要测试结果的操作,以及“然后/和”来验证预期结果都很有帮助。 场景的标题应该清楚地描述场景测试的目的


Scenario: User is able to add players from a file
Given a user who is logged in
And the user has selected "country"
When the user attaches "files"
And adds a comment about location
Then the players are added
And the comment is saved

Scenario: user is able to add players manually
Given a user who is logged in
And the user has selected "country"
When the user adds players manually
And adds a comment about location
Then the players are added
And the comment is saved

And add players manually
And User picks players
And User clicks on a player
And does the settings



关键字。背景-。。。但我的意图也是关于后台阶@拉胡拉伊:谢谢你的链接。我遵循与saidAh Background相同的方法,但它们在您的案例中与将在功能文件开始之前或每个场景中执行的内容中的背景无关。您所说的步骤可能在场景中的任何位置。我希望你现在清楚这一点。干杯感谢大家分享的知识。是的,我同意这一点。谢谢你让我了解更多关于行为驱动测试的内容,不客气。您可以在此处找到更多信息:如果您有更多问题,请加入Cucumber支持渠道之一(即Slack):)