Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/9/spring-boot/5.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Spring boot 使用JPA@onetomany和@manytoone注释将数据插入到三个表中_Spring Boot_Spring Data Jpa - Fatal编程技术网

Spring boot 使用JPA@onetomany和@manytoone注释将数据插入到三个表中

Spring boot 使用JPA@onetomany和@manytoone注释将数据插入到三个表中,spring-boot,spring-data-jpa,Spring Boot,Spring Data Jpa,我试图通过使用JPA存储库和spring boot应用程序将数据插入三个不同的表中。为此,我在这三个类中使用了@onetomany和@manytoone注释: 家庭 所有者详细信息 家庭成员 但是当我尝试插入时,我得到了以下错误 Hibernate: select * from household where sl_no = ? 2019-10-16 12:24:46.622 INFO 19380 --- [nio-

我试图通过使用JPA存储库和spring boot应用程序将数据插入三个不同的表中。为此,我在这三个类中使用了@onetomany和@manytoone注释:

  • 家庭
  • 所有者详细信息
  • 家庭成员
  • 但是当我尝试插入时,我得到了以下错误

            sl_no = ?
    2019-10-16 12:24:46.622  INFO 19380 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.o.a.a.s.FormServiceImpl                : FormServiceImpl saveHouseDetailsWithBase64() is invoked : 234546674
            nextval ('house_id_seq')
            nextval ('owner_id_seq')
            nextval ('mem_id_seq')
            (area, audio, district, east, gp_name, grid_no, house_dimension, house_photo, id, id_number, id_photo, Khatha_no, latitute, locality_name, longitute, map_photo, north, phone_num, pin, prop_details, prop_type, rent_amount, road_name, sl_no, south, servey_date, survey_no, surveyor_name, taluk, tenant, toilet_available, total_members, vacant_port, village_name, water_facility, west, hid) 
            (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
            (age, education, gender, hid, idname, idnumber, name, oid) 
            (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    2019-10-16 12:24:46.832  WARN 19380 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper             : SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 23502
    2019-10-16 12:24:46.832 ERROR 19380 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper             : ERROR: null value in column "hid" violates not-null constraint
      Detail: Failing row contains (1, 10, education, male, adhaarcard1, 23424242343, name, null).
    2019-10-16 12:24:46.840 ERROR 19380 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.i.ExceptionMapperStandardImpl        : HHH000346: Error during managed flush [org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement]
    could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [hid]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement
    2019-10-16 12:24:46.848 ERROR 19380 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.o.a.a.s.FormServiceImpl                : could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [hid]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement
    2019-10-16 12:24:46.849  INFO 19380 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.o.a.a.c.FormDataController             : FormDataController saveHouseHold() request is completed. 

    @Table(name = "household")
    public class HouseHold implements Serializable {
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY, generator = "house_id_seq")
        @SequenceGenerator(name = "house_id_seq", sequenceName = "house_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
        @Column(name = "hid")
        private Long hid;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "district")
        private String district;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "taluk")
        private String taluk;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "village_name")
        private String villageName;
        @Column(name = "sl_no")
        private Long slNo;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "Khatha_no")
        private String khathaNo;
        @Size(max = 50)
        @Column(name = "locality_name")
        private String localityName;
        @Size(max = 50)
        @Column(name = "prop_details")
        private String propertyDetails;
        @Size(max = 50)
        @Column(name = "tenant")
        private String tenant;
        @Size(max = 200)
        @Column(name = "house_dimension")
        private String houseDimension;
        @Size(max = 50)
        @Column(name = "east")
        private String east;
        @Size(max = 50)
        @Column(name = "west")
        private String west;
        @Size(max = 50)
        @Column(name = "north")
        private String north;
        @Size(max = 50)
        @Column(name = "south")
        private String south;
        @Digits(integer = 6, fraction = 2)
        @Column(name = "rent_amount")
        private BigDecimal rentAmount;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "vacant_port")
        private String vacantPort;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "gp_name")
        private String gpName;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "prop_type")
        private String propertyType;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "road_name")
        private String roadName;
        @Column(name = "pin")
        private Long pin;
        @Column(name = "survey_no")
        private Long surveyNo;
        @Size(max = 250)
        @Column(name = "grid_no")
        private String gridNo;
        @Size(max = 250)
        @Column(name = "id_number")
        private String idNumber;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "area")
        private String area;
        @Size(max = 3)
        @Column(name = "toilet_available")
        private String toiletAvailable;
        @Size(max = 3)
        @Column(name = "water_facility")
        private String waterFacility;
        @Column(name = "phone_num")
        private Long phoneNumber;
        @Column(name = "house_photo")
        private String housephoto;
        @Column(name = "id_photo")
        private String idphoto;
        @Column(name = "map_photo")
        private String mapphoto;
        @Column(name = "audio")
        private String audio;
        @Digits(integer = 3, fraction = 25)
        @Column(name = "latitute")
        private BigDecimal latitude;
        @Digits(integer = 3, fraction = 25)
        @Column(name = "longitute")
        private BigDecimal longitude;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "surveyor_name")
        private String surveyorName;
        @Column(name = "servey_date")
        private Date surveyDate;
        @Size(max = 10)
        @Column(name = "total_members")
        private String totalMembers;
        @Column(name = "id")
        private Long id;
        private String serveyStringDate;
        @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "houseHold", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
        private List<OwnerDetails> ownerdetail = new ArrayList<>();
    //default constructor
    //parameterized constructor
    //getter setter

        "district" : "district",
        "taluk" : "taluk",
        "villageName" : "village name",
        "slNo" : 234546674,
        "khathaNo" : "35824005",
        "localityName" : "localitiyname",
        "propertyDetails" : "property Details",
        "tenant" : "tenant",
        "houseDimension" : "housedimension",
        "propertyType":"proprty type",
        "roadName":"road name",
        "surveyorName":"surveyor name",
        "serveyStringDate":"2019-10-13 11:25:36",


    [JPA Examplem][1对多和多对1关系][]

    您如何为“hid”创造价值?错误显示:错误:“hid”列中的null值违反了not null约束为此,我在OwnerDetails类public Long getHid(){return househouse.getHid();}中创建了一个get方法,它是返回HOusehouse hid值,但不起作用。“hid”列是自动递增值吗?get方法不会为“hid”生成新值。您需要生成“hid”或让数据库处理它。从我的角度看,它将如何生成?实际上,在Househouse类中,我使用了@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY),该类工作正常,但在OwnerDetails类中,我使用了@ManyToOne注释,其中的Househouse对象没有得到值,因此给出了错误。你知道我该怎么做吗。当我从@JoinColumn注释中删除nullable=false时,数据会插入到所有三个表中,但在ownerdetails和householdmembers表的外键列中设置的值为null。请用文字解释答案。当链接过期时,链接只回答失去意义的问题。
    @Table(name = "household_members")
    public class HouseHoldMembers implements Serializable {
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY, generator = "mem_id_seq")
        @SequenceGenerator(name = "mem_id_seq", sequenceName = "mem_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
        @Column(name = "mid")
        private Long mid;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "name")
        private String name;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "education")
        private String education;
        @Column(name = "age")
        private int age;
        @Size(max = 10)
        @Column(name = "gender")
        private String gender;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "idname")
        private String idName;
        @Size(max = 100)
        @Column(name = "idnumber")
        private String idNumber;
        @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
        @JoinColumn(name = "oid", nullable = false, updatable = false, insertable = true)
        @OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
        private OwnerDetails ownerdetails;
            //default constructor
            //parameterized constructor
            //getter setter
        "district" : "district",
        "taluk" : "taluk",
        "villageName" : "village name",
        "slNo" : 234546674,
        "khathaNo" : "35824005",
        "localityName" : "localitiyname",
        "propertyDetails" : "property Details",
        "tenant" : "tenant",
        "houseDimension" : "housedimension",
        "propertyType":"proprty type",
        "roadName":"road name",
        "surveyorName":"surveyor name",
        "serveyStringDate":"2019-10-13 11:25:36",