
SQL-具有多个日期的条件窗口,sql,apache-spark-sql,window,conditional-statements,Sql,Apache Spark Sql,Window,Conditional Statements,对于上表,我想计算过去x天内每位客户的投诉数量,并考虑投诉发生的时间。 i、 e.只有在交易日期之前发生投诉时,才应将其计算在内 i、 e 目前,如果投诉日期小于交易日期且交易日期在x天范围内,我正在使用客户、交易日期和投诉日期分区计算交易(记录)的数量,然后将其合并回客户和交易日期。 然后,我计算x天窗口内的最终金额,按客户划分,因为上面的结果是每个交易日期和客户的计数我认为您可以使用一个简单的where条件来实现这一点。假设日期字段以日期格式存储,计算过去10天(在SQL server中):

i、 e.只有在交易日期之前发生投诉时,才应将其计算在内

i、 e


我认为您可以使用一个简单的where条件来实现这一点。假设日期字段以日期格式存储,计算过去10天(在SQL server中):


;with tableA as
(select 'A' as customer,1 as Transaction_date,2 as Complaint_date union all
select 'A',1,3 union all
select 'A',2,3 union all
select 'B',1,2 union all
select 'B',1,2 union all
select 'B',2,3 union all
select 'C',2,3)

select a.Customer,a.transaction_date,count(b.Complaint_date) as cnt
from tableA a
left join tableA b on a.customer=b.customer
      and a.transaction_date>=b.Complaint_date
Group by a.Customer,a.transaction_date

Customer Transaction_Date Cnt
A        1                0
A        2                1
B        1                0
B        2                2
C        2                0

select Customer,count(*)
from table 
where Complaint_date<transaction_date
      and Complaint_date between GETDATE()-10 and GETDATE()
Group by Customer
;with tableA as
(select 'A' as customer,1 as Transaction_date,2 as Complaint_date union all
select 'A',1,3 union all
select 'A',2,3 union all
select 'B',1,2 union all
select 'B',1,2 union all
select 'B',2,3 union all
select 'C',2,3)

select a.Customer,a.transaction_date,count(b.Complaint_date) as cnt
from tableA a
left join tableA b on a.customer=b.customer
      and a.transaction_date>=b.Complaint_date
Group by a.Customer,a.transaction_date
Customer Transaction_Date Cnt
A        1                0
A        2                1
B        1                0
B        2                2
C        2                0
;with tableA as
(select 'A' as customer,1 as Transaction_date,2 as Complaint_date union all
select 'A',1,3 union all
select 'A',2,3 union all
select 'B',1,2 union all
select 'B',1,2 union all
select 'B',2,3 union all
select 'C',2,3)

select x.*,y.cnt
from tableA x
inner join
(select a.Customer,a.transaction_date,count(b.Complaint_date) as cnt
from tableA a
left join tableA b on a.customer=b.customer
      and a.transaction_date>=b.Complaint_date
Group by a.Customer,a.transaction_date) y
ON x.customer=y.customer and x.transaction_date=y.Transaction_date