Sql 将一行与整个字段进行比较

Sql 将一行与整个字段进行比较,sql,ms-access,Sql,Ms Access,我的高尔夫成绩表如下所示: name r1 r2 r3 r4 event Tiger Woods 71 68 67 72 Buick Invitational 2006 Nathan Green 67 70 69 72 Buick Invitational 2006 J.M. Olazabal 74 64 71 69 Buick Invitational 2006 Ar


name           r1    r2    r3    r4    event
Tiger Woods    71    68    67    72    Buick Invitational 2006
Nathan Green   67    70    69    72    Buick Invitational 2006
J.M. Olazabal  74    64    71    69    Buick Invitational 2006
Arjun Atwal    70    67    71    71    Buick Invitational 2006
Tiger Woods    33%    33%    100%   0%     Buick Invitational 2006
Nathan Green   100%   0%     67%    0%     Buick Invitational 2006
J.M. Olazabal  0%     100%   0%     100%   Buick Invitational 2006
Arjun Atwal    67%    67%    0%     67%    Buick Invitational 2006



Arjun Atwal在r3中得分最高,击败任何人,因此=0%




name           r1    r2    r3    r4    event
Tiger Woods    71    68    67    72    Buick Invitational 2006
Nathan Green   67    70    69    72    Buick Invitational 2006
J.M. Olazabal  74    64    71    69    Buick Invitational 2006
Arjun Atwal    70    67    71    71    Buick Invitational 2006
Tiger Woods    33%    33%    100%   0%     Buick Invitational 2006
Nathan Green   100%   0%     67%    0%     Buick Invitational 2006
J.M. Olazabal  0%     100%   0%     100%   Buick Invitational 2006
Arjun Atwal    67%    67%    0%     67%    Buick Invitational 2006



SELECT t.name, 
Format((Select Count(*) from [Table] where [Table].r1 > T.r1 And [Table].event = t.event)/3,"0%") as r1,
Format((Select Count(*) from [Table] where [Table].r2 > T.r2 And [Table].event = t.event)/3,"0%") as r2, 
Format((Select Count(*) from [Table] where [Table].r3 > T.r3 And [Table].event = t.event)/3, "0%") as r3, 
Format((Select Count(*) from [Table] where [Table].r4 > T.r4 And [Table].event = t.event)/3, "0%") as r4,
FROM [Table] as T;

如果您的数据存储在一个名为Table1的MS Access表中,那么下面的SQL将实现这一点。通过使用count(*)1而不是3,您可以对其进行推广,以消除有4个竞争对手的假设


SELECT T.name, Sum(IIf(T2.r1>T.r1,1,0)*100/3), Sum(IIf(T2.r2>T.r2,1,0)*100/3), Sum(IIf(T2.r3>T.r3,1,0)*100/3), Sum(IIf(T2.r4>T.r4,1,0)*100/3)
FROM Table1 AS T, Table1 AS T2
GROUP BY T.name;
