VB.NET UWP:如何从调制解调器获取串行设备?

VB.NET UWP:如何从调制解调器获取串行设备?,vb.net,uwp,modem,Vb.net,Uwp,Modem,我在Vb.net UWP项目中连接到Telit移动调制解调器设备时遇到问题 此调制解调器设备VID:0x1BC7,PID:0x1201由Windows 10识别,并在设备管理器中显示为5个不同的设备: 在COM和LTP端口部分中,如下所示: Telit Serial Diagnostics Interface Telit Serial NMEA Interface Telit SAP Interface 在调制解调器下为: Telit USB Modem Telit USB Modem #2

我在Vb.net UWP项目中连接到Telit移动调制解调器设备时遇到问题

此调制解调器设备VID:0x1BC7,PID:0x1201由Windows 10识别,并在设备管理器中显示为5个不同的设备:


Telit Serial Diagnostics Interface
Telit Serial NMEA Interface
Telit SAP Interface

Telit USB Modem
Telit USB Modem #2




在以前构建的Win32应用程序中,我使用查询字符串root\CIMV2创建ManagementObjectSearcher,从Win32\u POTSModem中选择*以查找调制解调器,然后使用调制解调器的ManagementObject的ConnectedTo属性创建SerialPort对象



<DeviceCapability Name="serialcommunication">
  <Device Id="any">
    <Function Type="name:serialPort" />
<DeviceCapability Name="usb">
  <!--SuperMutt Device-->
  <Device Id="vidpid:1BC7 1201">
    <!--<wb:Function Type="classId:ff * *"/>-->
    <Function Type="name:vendorSpecific" />
  <Device Id="vidpid:1BC7 0036">
    <!--<wb:Function Type="classId:ff * *"/>-->
    <Function Type="name:vendorSpecific" />
添加新设备时,我会检查它是否为Telit设备,并创建一个新对象来封装dhe Telit设备及其所有调制解调器端口

Private Async Sub Checknewhardware(device As DeviceInformation)
    Dim id As String = ""
    Dim iddata() As String = Nothing
    Dim devdata As DevID
    Dim found As Boolean = False
        'Await plog("Checknewhardware called", Colors.Orange)
        iddata = device.Id.Split("#")
        devdata = Await ParseDevID(iddata(1))

        Select Case devdata.VendorID
            Case "1BC7" '                Telit
                'Await plog("New Hardware is Telit")
                Select Case devdata.DeviceID
                    Case "1201" '        LE 9x0
                        Await Plog("New Hardware is LE9x0")
                        If Global_Modem Is Nothing Then Global_Modem = New LE9x0(device)
                        found = True
                    Case "0036"
                        Await Plog("New Hardware is LE910 V2")
                        If Global_Modem Is Nothing Then Global_Modem = New LE910_V2
                        found = True
                    Case Else
                        Await Plog("Dev ID: " & devdata.DeviceID, "Red")

                End Select
            Case Else
                'Await plog("Vendor ID : " & devdata.VendorID, Colors.Red)
                Exit Sub
        End Select
        If found = True Then Global_Modem.NewDevice(device)

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

    Private Async Sub Set_device(Device As DeviceInformation)
        Dim outtext As String = "Setting New GPS Serial Device" & vbLf
            If Device IsNot Nothing Then

            End If
            outtext = outtext & "Getting SerialDevice from Device ID" & vbLf
            _device = Await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(Device.Id)

            If _device IsNot Nothing Then
                outtext = outtext & "     Serial Device Created" & vbLf

                outtext = outtext & "Setting Serial Parameters" & vbLf
                With _device
                    .BaudRate = 9600
                    '.Parity = SerialParity.None 'Parity.None
                    '.DataBits = 8
                    '.StopBits = SerialStopBitCount.One
                    '.Handshake = SerialHandshake.None
                    '.IsDataTerminalReadyEnabled = True
                    '.IsRequestToSendEnabled = True
                End With
                outtext = outtext & "     Serial Device NOT Created" & vbLf
            End If

            outtext = outtext & "Trying to create Stream Reader" & vbLf

            _Reader = New StreamReader(_device.InputStream.AsStreamForRead)

            outtext = outtext & "Streamreader Created" & vbLf
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
        Tlog(outtext, "Green")
    End Sub
这适用于除Telit USB调制解调器和Telit USB调制解调器2之外的所有端口。在这种情况下,串行设备不包含任何内容


您如何在应用程序包清单中包含某些设备功能?获取SerialDevice的代码是什么?您可以使用供应商/产品Id获取SerialDevice吗?您好,我编辑了我的帖子,以包含AppManifest的相关部分和硬件枚举。首先,在您的清单文件中,是“函数类型”正确吗?请检查它是否与设备匹配。其次,这两个产品Id是否分别对应于2个USB模式vidpid:1BC7 1201和vidpid:1BC7 0036?第三,在创建SerialDevice时,变量“device.Id”是否不为空,但变量“u device”在代码中为空_device=wait SerialDevice.FromIdAsyncDevice.Id、 最后,请尝试直接使用USB API连接USB调制解调器设备。请参阅
    Private Async Sub Set_device(Device As DeviceInformation)
        Dim outtext As String = "Setting New GPS Serial Device" & vbLf
            If Device IsNot Nothing Then

            End If
            outtext = outtext & "Getting SerialDevice from Device ID" & vbLf
            _device = Await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(Device.Id)

            If _device IsNot Nothing Then
                outtext = outtext & "     Serial Device Created" & vbLf

                outtext = outtext & "Setting Serial Parameters" & vbLf
                With _device
                    .BaudRate = 9600
                    '.Parity = SerialParity.None 'Parity.None
                    '.DataBits = 8
                    '.StopBits = SerialStopBitCount.One
                    '.Handshake = SerialHandshake.None
                    '.IsDataTerminalReadyEnabled = True
                    '.IsRequestToSendEnabled = True
                End With
                outtext = outtext & "     Serial Device NOT Created" & vbLf
            End If

            outtext = outtext & "Trying to create Stream Reader" & vbLf

            _Reader = New StreamReader(_device.InputStream.AsStreamForRead)

            outtext = outtext & "Streamreader Created" & vbLf
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
        Tlog(outtext, "Green")
    End Sub