Vb6 如何使文件在VB中可写?

Vb6 如何使文件在VB中可写?,vb6,permissions,Vb6,Permissions,我正在寻找最简单的方法来测试一个文件是否可写,以及它是否是只读的,以更改其访问权限使其可写 欢迎向正确方向提出任何建议或指点 文件不可写的原因有很多,例如: 'Getting and Setting File Attributes Declare Function SetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "SetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpFileName As _ String, ByVal dwFileAttribute




'Getting and Setting File Attributes

Declare Function SetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" _
 Alias "SetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpFileName As _
 String, ByVal dwFileAttributes As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" _
 Alias "GetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpFileName As _
 String) As Long

Public Function GetAttributes(Filename As String, _
 Archive As Boolean, Hidden As Boolean, _
 ReadOnly As Boolean, System As Boolean)

    'Dimension and setup some variables.
    Dim Data As Long
    Archive = False: Hidden = False: ReadOnly = False

    'Get Data and check for success.
    Data = GetFileAttributes(Filename)
    If Data = 0 Then GetAttributes = 0 Else GetAttributes = 1

    'Work out what it is.
    If Data = 128 Then Exit Function
    If Data - 32 >= 0 Then Archive = True: Data = Data - 32
    If Data - 4 >= 0 Then System = True: Data = Data - 4
    If Data - 2 >= 0 Then Hidden = True: Data = Data - 2
    If Data - 1 >= 0 Then ReadOnly = True: Data = Data - 1

End Function

Public Function SetAttributes(Filename As String, _
Archive As Boolean, Hidden As Boolean, _
ReadOnly As Boolean, System As Boolean)

    'Dimension a Variable.
    Dim Data As Long

    'Work out what Data should be.
    Data = 0
    If Archive = True Then Data = Data + 32
    If Hidden = True Then Data = Data + 2
    If ReadOnly = True Then Data = Data + 1
    If System = True Then Data = Data + 4
    If Data = 0 Then Data = 128

    'Set the attributes and check for success.
    SetAttributes = SetFileAttributes(Filename, Data)

End Function
  • 它是写保护的
  • 它位于只读介质(如CD-ROM)上
  • 用于运行代码的用户帐户没有对文件的写入权限
  • 该文件位于不允许写入的文件共享上



Dim attributes As VbFileAttribute

attributes = GetAttr("C:\foo.txt")
If (attributes And vbReadOnly) Then
  attributes = attributes - vbReadOnly
  SetAttr "C:\foo.txt", attributes
End If

Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim fil As File

Set fil = fso.GetFile("C:\foo.txt")
If (fil.attributes And ReadOnly) Then
  fil.attributes = fil.attributes - ReadOnly
End If