Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/0/vba/15.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
VBA-如果A列中的名称相同,则B列中的总和值_Vba_Excel - Fatal编程技术网


VBA-如果A列中的名称相同,则B列中的总和值,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我尝试编辑宏以对B列中的值求和,但它无法正常工作: 以下是我所拥有的: Option Explicit Sub Main() CollectArray "A", "D" DoSum "D", "E", "A", "B" End Sub ' collect array from a specific column and print it to a new one without duplicates ' params: ' fromColumn -



Option Explicit

Sub Main()

    CollectArray "A", "D"

    DoSum "D", "E", "A", "B"

End Sub

' collect array from a specific column and print it to a new one without duplicates
' params:
'           fromColumn - this is the column you need to remove duplicates from
'           toColumn - this will reprint the array without the duplicates
Sub CollectArray(fromColumn As String, toColumn As String)

    ReDim arr(0) As String

    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Range(fromColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        arr(UBound(arr)) = Range(fromColumn & i)
        ReDim Preserve arr(UBound(arr) + 1)
    Next i
    ReDim Preserve arr(UBound(arr) - 1)
    RemoveDuplicate arr
    Range(toColumn & "1:" & toColumn & Range(toColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).ClearContents
    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
        Range(toColumn & i + 1) = arr(i)
    Next i
End Sub

' sums up values from one column against the other column
' params:
'           fromColumn - this is the column with string to match against
'           toColumn - this is where the SUM will be printed to
'           originalColumn - this is the original column including duplicate
'           valueColumn - this is the column with the values to sum
Private Sub DoSum(fromColumn As String, toColumn As String, originalColumn As String, valueColumn As String)
    Range(toColumn & "1:" & toColumn & Range(toColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).ClearContents
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Range(fromColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        Range(toColumn & i) = WorksheetFunction.SumIf(Range(originalColumn & ":" & originalColumn), Range(fromColumn & i), Range(valueColumn & ":" & valueColumn))
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub RemoveDuplicate(ByRef StringArray() As String)
    Dim lowBound$, UpBound&, A&, B&, cur&, tempArray() As String
    If (Not StringArray) = True Then Exit Sub
    lowBound = LBound(StringArray): UpBound = UBound(StringArray)
    ReDim tempArray(lowBound To UpBound)
    cur = lowBound: tempArray(cur) = StringArray(lowBound)
    For A = lowBound + 1 To UpBound
        For B = lowBound To cur
            If LenB(tempArray(B)) = LenB(StringArray(A)) Then
                If InStrB(1, StringArray(A), tempArray(B), vbBinaryCompare) = 1 Then Exit For
            End If
        Next B
        If B > cur Then cur = B
        tempArray(cur) = StringArray(A)
    Next A
    ReDim Preserve tempArray(lowBound To cur): StringArray = tempArray
End Sub
宏将把A列中的名称(删除重复项)复制到D列,B列中的值应根据A列中的名称求和 拆下的零件副本无法正常工作。有人能告诉我/帮助我吗,哪里有问题


Sub CreateSummary()
    Dim x As Long
    Dim dict As Object
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    For x = 1 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        dict(Cells(x, 1).Value) = dict(Cells(x, 1).Value) + Cells(x, 2).Value

    Range("D1").Resize(dict.Count).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.Keys)
    Range("E1").Resize(dict.Count).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.Items)

End Sub
  • 即使当前元素在数组中(如果B>cur对赋值的执行没有影响的行),也可以覆盖tempArray(cur)

  • 您不能使用赋值运算符复制数组。而且您也不需要它,因为此算法可以就地完成

  • 此外,(a)如果(Not StringArray)=True没有意义,那么该参数无论如何都必须是字符串数组;(b)比较长度和在另一个字符串中搜索一个字符串是多余的,您可以将它们与=符号进行比较(或者如果需要区分大小写,可以使用StrComp和vbBinaryCompare)。


  • 即使当前元素在数组中(如果B>cur对赋值的执行没有影响的行),也可以覆盖tempArray(cur)

  • 您不能使用赋值运算符复制数组。而且您也不需要它,因为此算法可以就地完成

  • 此外,(a)如果(Not StringArray)=True没有意义,那么无论如何,参数必须是字符串数组;(b)比较长度和在另一个字符串中搜索一个字符串是多余的,您可以将它们与=符号进行比较(或者如果需要区分大小写,请使用StrComp和vbBinaryCompare)

    Sub test()
        Dim arr(0 To 4) As String
        arr(0) = "AAA"
        arr(1) = "BBB"
        arr(2) = "AAA"
        arr(3) = "CCC"
        arr(4) = "AAA"
        Dim arrFiltered() As String
        arrFiltered = RemoveDuplicate(arr)
    End Sub
    Private Function RemoveDuplicate(ByRef StringArray() As String) As String()
        Dim tempArray As Collection
        Dim resultArray() As String
        Dim item As Variant
        Dim i As Integer
        Set tempArray = New Collection
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each item In StringArray
            tempArray.Add item, item
        Next item
        On Error GoTo 0
        ReDim resultArray(0 To tempArray.Count - 1)
        For Each item In tempArray
            resultArray(i) = item
            i = i + 1
        Next item
        RemoveDuplicate = resultArray
    End Function


    Sub test()
        Dim arr(0 To 4) As String
        arr(0) = "AAA"
        arr(1) = "BBB"
        arr(2) = "AAA"
        arr(3) = "CCC"
        arr(4) = "AAA"
        Dim arrFiltered() As String
        arrFiltered = RemoveDuplicate(arr)
    End Sub
    Private Function RemoveDuplicate(ByRef StringArray() As String) As String()
        Dim tempArray As Collection
        Dim resultArray() As String
        Dim item As Variant
        Dim i As Integer
        Set tempArray = New Collection
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each item In StringArray
            tempArray.Add item, item
        Next item
        On Error GoTo 0
        ReDim resultArray(0 To tempArray.Count - 1)
        For Each item In tempArray
            resultArray(i) = item
            i = i + 1
        Next item
        RemoveDuplicate = resultArray
    End Function
