Vba 在二维数组中查找现有字符串

Vba 在二维数组中查找现有字符串,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我从电子表格中收集数据并将其存储在二维数组中,其思想是,一旦脚本检测到它正在从特定列读取数据,它将不会读取整行数据(因为这将被视为重复) 代码: Private Sub LoadData() cDOC_DEBUG "Loading document data..." Dim x As Long 'Column Data - there is another function that reads when x = 0 = header; else every other valu



Private Sub LoadData()

   cDOC_DEBUG "Loading document data..."
   Dim x As Long  'Column Data - there is another function that reads when x = 0 = header; else every other value is considered "data"
   Dim y As Long 

   With dataWS
      For x = 1 To LR - 1
         For y = 1 To LC - 1
            If (IsInArray(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value, pData())) Then
               cDOC_DEBUG "Added: " & .Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value
               pData(x, y) = Trim(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value)
            End If
         Next y
      Next x
   End With

End Sub

Private Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arrString As Variant) As Boolean
   IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arrString, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function

Private Sub cDOC_DEBUG(debugText As String)
   If (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Settings").Cells(3, 2)) Then
      Debug.Print debugText
   End If
End Sub
        A           B           C           D
1    header1     header2     header3     header4
2       a           b           c           d
3       w           x           y           z
4       a           h           j           j
5       a           b           j           d
6       w           x           u           z
        0           1           2           3
0    header1     header2     header3     header4
1       a           b           c           d
2       w           x           y           z
3       a           h           j           j



Private Sub LoadData()

   cDOC_DEBUG "Loading document data..."
   Dim x As Long  'Column Data - there is another function that reads when x = 0 = header; else every other value is considered "data"
   Dim y As Long 

   With dataWS
      For x = 1 To LR - 1
         For y = 1 To LC - 1
            If (IsInArray(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value, pData())) Then
               cDOC_DEBUG "Added: " & .Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value
               pData(x, y) = Trim(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value)
            End If
         Next y
      Next x
   End With

End Sub

Private Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arrString As Variant) As Boolean
   IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arrString, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function

Private Sub cDOC_DEBUG(debugText As String)
   If (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Settings").Cells(3, 2)) Then
      Debug.Print debugText
   End If
End Sub
        A           B           C           D
1    header1     header2     header3     header4
2       a           b           c           d
3       w           x           y           z
4       a           h           j           j
5       a           b           j           d
6       w           x           u           z
        0           1           2           3
0    header1     header2     header3     header4
1       a           b           c           d
2       w           x           y           z
3       a           h           j           j

Private Sub LoadData()

   cDOC_DEBUG "Loading document data..."
   Dim x As Long  'Column Data - there is another function that reads when x = 0 = header; else every other value is considered "data"
   Dim y As Long 

   With dataWS
      For x = 1 To LR - 1
         For y = 1 To LC - 1
            If (IsInArray(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value, pData())) Then
               cDOC_DEBUG "Added: " & .Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value
               pData(x, y) = Trim(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value)
            End If
         Next y
      Next x
   End With

End Sub

Private Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arrString As Variant) As Boolean
   IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arrString, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function

Private Sub cDOC_DEBUG(debugText As String)
   If (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Settings").Cells(3, 2)) Then
      Debug.Print debugText
   End If
End Sub
        A           B           C           D
1    header1     header2     header3     header4
2       a           b           c           d
3       w           x           y           z
4       a           h           j           j
5       a           b           j           d
6       w           x           u           z
        0           1           2           3
0    header1     header2     header3     header4
1       a           b           c           d
2       w           x           y           z
3       a           h           j           j


Private Sub LoadData()

   cDOC_DEBUG "Loading document data..."
   Dim x As Long  'Column Data - there is another function that reads when x = 0 = header; else every other value is considered "data"
   Dim y As Long 

   With dataWS
      For x = 1 To LR - 1
         For y = 1 To LC - 1
            If (IsInArray(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value, pData())) Then
               cDOC_DEBUG "Added: " & .Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value
               pData(x, y) = Trim(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value)
            End If
         Next y
      Next x
   End With

End Sub

Private Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arrString As Variant) As Boolean
   IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arrString, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function

Private Sub cDOC_DEBUG(debugText As String)
   If (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Settings").Cells(3, 2)) Then
      Debug.Print debugText
   End If
End Sub
        A           B           C           D
1    header1     header2     header3     header4
2       a           b           c           d
3       w           x           y           z
4       a           h           j           j
5       a           b           j           d
6       w           x           u           z
        0           1           2           3
0    header1     header2     header3     header4
1       a           b           c           d
2       w           x           y           z
3       a           h           j           j


Private Sub LoadData()

   cDOC_DEBUG "Loading document data..."
   Dim x As Long  'Column Data - there is another function that reads when x = 0 = header; else every other value is considered "data"
   Dim y As Long 

   With dataWS
      For x = 1 To LR - 1
         For y = 1 To LC - 1
            If (IsInArray(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value, pData())) Then
               cDOC_DEBUG "Added: " & .Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value
               pData(x, y) = Trim(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value)
            End If
         Next y
      Next x
   End With

End Sub

Private Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arrString As Variant) As Boolean
   IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arrString, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function

Private Sub cDOC_DEBUG(debugText As String)
   If (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Settings").Cells(3, 2)) Then
      Debug.Print debugText
   End If
End Sub
        A           B           C           D
1    header1     header2     header3     header4
2       a           b           c           d
3       w           x           y           z
4       a           h           j           j
5       a           b           j           d
6       w           x           u           z
        0           1           2           3
0    header1     header2     header3     header4
1       a           b           c           d
2       w           x           y           z
3       a           h           j           j





Private Sub LoadData()

   cDOC_DEBUG "Loading document data..."
   Dim x As Long  'Column Data - there is another function that reads when x = 0 = header; else every other value is considered "data"
   Dim y As Long 

   With dataWS
      For x = 1 To LR - 1
         For y = 1 To LC - 1
            If (IsInArray(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value, pData())) Then
               cDOC_DEBUG "Added: " & .Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value
               pData(x, y) = Trim(.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).value)
            End If
         Next y
      Next x
   End With

End Sub

Private Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arrString As Variant) As Boolean
   IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arrString, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function

Private Sub cDOC_DEBUG(debugText As String)
   If (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Settings").Cells(3, 2)) Then
      Debug.Print debugText
   End If
End Sub
        A           B           C           D
1    header1     header2     header3     header4
2       a           b           c           d
3       w           x           y           z
4       a           h           j           j
5       a           b           j           d
6       w           x           u           z
        0           1           2           3
0    header1     header2     header3     header4
1       a           b           c           d
2       w           x           y           z
3       a           h           j           j

Option Explicit
Public Sub CheckRow()
    Dim arr(), i As Long
    arr = [A1:D6].Value                          '<==2D array created

    For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)     '<== loop rows
        'look in each row for x and if found exit loop and indicate row where found
        If Not IsError(Application.Match("x", Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(arr, i, 0), 0)) Then
            Debug.Print "value found in column " & i
            Exit For
        End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Sub CheckColumn()
    Dim arr(), i As Long
    arr = [A1:D6].Value                          '<==2D array created

    For i = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2)     '<== loop columns
        'look in each column for x and if found exit loop and indicate column where found
        If Not IsError(Application.Match("x", Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(arr, 0, i)), 0)) Then
            Debug.Print "value found in column " & i
            Exit For
        End If
End Sub




在本例中,代码结果被写回F:H列,而C列的值被省略;如果您想保持这些值,请参阅► 编辑下面的

