Visual studio 2013 如何解决TFS复制测试计划错误TF237165?

Visual studio 2013 如何解决TFS复制测试计划错误TF237165?,visual-studio-2013,microsoft-test-manager,Visual Studio 2013,Microsoft Test Manager,在Microsoft测试管理器for TFS 2013.4中,我试图执行“克隆计划”操作,但收到一个错误: 这是事件查看器中的完整错误日志 The description for Event ID 0 from source VSTTExecution cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation i

在Microsoft测试管理器for TFS 2013.4中,我试图执行“克隆计划”操作,但收到一个错误:


The description for Event ID 0 from source VSTTExecution cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event: 

(mtm.exe, PID 8824, Thread 1) Exception: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.TestManagementServerException
    Message: TF237165: Team Foundation could not update the work item because of a validation error on the server. This may happen because the work item type has been modified or destroyed, or you do not have permission to update the work item.
    Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.HandleReply(TfsClientOperation operation, TfsMessage message, Object[]& outputs)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.Invoke(TfsClientOperation operation, Object[] parameters, TimeSpan timeout, Object[]& outputs)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.TestManagementWebService3.BeginCloneOperation(Int32 sourcePlanId, TestPlan destinationPlan, Int32[] sourceSuiteIds, String projectName, CloneOptions options)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.TestPlanHelper.BeginCloneOperation(Int32 sourcePlanId, ITestPlan destPlan, List`1 sourceSuiteIds, String projectName, CloneOptions options)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Activities.CloneOperationHelper.InvokeBeginCloneOperation(ClonePlanPart part, Int32 sourceTestPlanId, List`1 sourceTestSuiteIds, ITestPlan destinationTestPlan, CloneOptions cloneOptions)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Activities.CloneOperationHelper.ClonePlanComplete(Object sender, ModalMessageEventArgs modalMessageEventArgs)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.WpfControls.ActivityHostControl.OnAdornerWorkComplete(Object sender, MessageButtonEventArgs eventArgs)
    BaseExceptionMessage: TF237165: Team Foundation could not update the work item because of a validation error on the server. This may happen because the work item type has been modified or destroyed, or you do not have permission to update the work item.
    InnerException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
    InnerException Message: TF237165: Team Foundation could not update the work item because of a validation error on the server. This may happen because the work item type has been modified or destroyed, or you do not have permission to update the work item.
    InnerException Stack Trace: 
    InnerExceptionBaseExceptionMessage: TF237165: Team Foundation could not update the work item because of a validation error on the server. This may happen because the work item type has been modified or destroyed, or you do not have permission to update the work item.

the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table






我认为这是一个错误,我尝试了许多解决方法,但找不到解决方法,我向Microsoft connect报告了它,您可以通过以下链接与我一起投票,以获得更好的响应:

看起来测试用例(或链接的需求)已经定制,克隆后无法保存“新”状态。当您从Web Access克隆单个测试用例时会发生什么情况?只需双击“从Web Access克隆单个测试用例”,这是否意味着当您在Web Access中实际打开测试用例时,工具栏上的工具提示“创建此工作项的副本(包括链接)”的链接?如果是这样的话,我已经这样做了,它成功地创建了一个新的测试用例工作项和一个新的Id。所有链接的工作项都保留了它们的原始工作项Id。还有一个需求、bug、故事或产品积压项?我们没有链接的需求。我们正在使用Agile2013.4流程模板。克隆测试用例时会保留链接的bug和用户故事。我只在执行测试计划克隆操作时看到错误。这可能与升级有关。流程是如何升级的?Web Access中的“启用新功能”?或者通过witadmin推送更新的模板?非常感谢+这里是1,那里是+1。