Windbg 如何使用VirtualBox从另一个VM调试一个VM中的Windows?

Windbg 如何使用VirtualBox从另一个VM调试一个VM中的Windows?,windbg,remote-debugging,Windbg,Remote Debugging,我正在为Windows 7编写一些启动(预登录)代码,并希望能够对其进行调试(如果只是想看看它是如何工作的,因为Microsoft的文档非常糟糕) 我的环境是Linux主机上的VirtualBox,有三个Windows虚拟机(一个Windows 2008域控制器、一个Windows 7开发机器和一个Windows 7测试机器),我希望能够使用两个虚拟机的虚拟串行连接从开发机器远程调试测试机器的启动过程 [在另一个生命中,我曾在Windows主机上使用VMware workstation从一个Li

我正在为Windows 7编写一些启动(预登录)代码,并希望能够对其进行调试(如果只是想看看它是如何工作的,因为Microsoft的文档非常糟糕)

我的环境是Linux主机上的VirtualBox,有三个Windows虚拟机(一个Windows 2008域控制器、一个Windows 7开发机器和一个Windows 7测试机器),我希望能够使用两个虚拟机的虚拟串行连接从开发机器远程调试测试机器的启动过程

[在另一个生命中,我曾在Windows主机上使用VMware workstation从一个Linux虚拟机调试另一个Linux虚拟机中的Linux内核驱动程序,因此我知道这类事情可能是可行的。]

我见过有人使用windbg从主机上调试VirtualBox VM中的Windows,但我需要从第二个客户机上调试(因为我的主机不是Windows)。有人知道怎么做吗

编辑: 在发布之前,我已经尝试过明显的方法。我在每个VM配置中创建了一个虚拟串行端口,并将它们连接到相同的主机管道,由开发虚拟机(调试器)创建,并由测试虚拟机(被调试器)使用。然后我跑了

bcdedit /dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:115200
bcdedit /debug {current} on
在测试虚拟机中,并将其关闭。在dev VM中运行windbg,选择内核调试(在正确的串行端口上),并重新启动测试VM。出现了一些关于没有任何可用符号和测试VM挂起的消息





更多信息: 我刚刚升级到VirtualBox 4.2.4(不确定版本是否重要),并再次研究了这个问题









Verify that the target computer has a supported network adapter.

Connect the supported adapter to a network hub or switch using standard CAT5 or better network cable. Do not use a crossover cable, and do not use a crossover port in your hub or switch.

In an elevated Command Prompt window, enter the following commands, where w.x.y.z is the IP address of the host computer, and n is a port number of your choice:

    bcdedit /debug on
    bcdedit /dbgsettings net hostip:w.x.y.z port:n

bcdedit will display an automatically generated key. Copy the key and store it on a removable storage device like a USB flash drive. You will need the key when you start a debugging session on the host computer.

Note  We strongly recommend that you use an automatically generated key. However, you can create your own key as described later in the Creating Your Own Key section.

If there is more than one network adapter in the target computer, use Device Manager to determine the PCI bus, device, and function numbers for the adapter you want to use for debugging. Then in an elevated Command Prompt window, enter the following command, where b, d, and f are the bus number, device number, and function number of the adapter:
bcdedit /set "{dbgsettings}" busparams b.d.f
Reboot the target computer.

Using WinDbg

On the host computer, open WinDbg. On the File menu, choose Kernel Debug. In the Kernel Debugging dialog box, open the Net tab. Enter your port number and key. Click OK.

You can also start a session with WinDbg by opening a Command Prompt window and entering the following command, where n is your port number and Key is the key that was automatically generated by bcdedit when you set up the target computer:

windbg -k net:port=n,key=Key

If you are prompted about allowing WinDbg to access the port through the firewall, allow WinDbg to access the port for all the different network types.

Using KD

On the host computer, open a Command Prompt window. Enter the following command, where n is your port number and Key is the key that was automatically generated by bcdedit when you set up the target computer:

kd -k net:port=n,key=Key

If you are prompted about allowing KD to access the port through the firewall, allow KD to access the port for all the different network types.
