Windows 8 VS 2013 Cordova CTP 3.1:Windows AnyCPU安装失败,错误:DEP0730

Windows 8 VS 2013 Cordova CTP 3.1:Windows AnyCPU安装失败,错误:DEP0730,windows-8,visual-studio-cordova,Windows 8,Visual Studio Cordova,我已升级到VS2013 Cordova CTP3.1,现在无法将该应用程序安装到Windows AnyCPU Cordova应用程序成功构建,但随后无法部署,并报告以下错误:- Error 13 Error : DEP0730 : Registration of the application failed because no Developer License is installed on the target machine. Package Microsoft.WinJS.1.0

我已升级到VS2013 Cordova CTP3.1,现在无法将该应用程序安装到Windows AnyCPU


Error   13  Error : DEP0730 : Registration of the application failed because no Developer License is installed on the target machine. Package Microsoft.WinJS.1.0_1.0.9866.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe with Windows Store origin cannot be sideloaded or installed using developer mode option. (0x80073cff)   
该应用程序成功构建并部署到Windows Phone 8、Windows Phone Universal、Android和iOS

<>我有一个有效的开发许可证直到今年九月,一个C++ Windows应用程序商店项目成功地在PC上安装、安装和运行。

您是否在Window10预览机上运行此功能?如前所述,尝试在Windows10预览操作系统上为Windows AnyCPU构建Cordova应用程序时存在一个已知问题