Xml 我需要宏提示我根据图纸名称选择图纸

Xml 我需要宏提示我根据图纸名称选择图纸,xml,excel,worksheet,vba,Xml,Excel,Worksheet,Vba,我正在运行以下宏,但希望它具有更多功能。此电子表格用于维护客户和跟踪多个州内的销售价值。我在每个州都有一个工作手册标签。我希望宏提示我输入当前宏中数据的状态。我是否可以在此宏中添加一些内容,以便它首先提示我根据图纸名称选择图纸 Sub TestMacro() Dim dblRow As Double, dtDate As Date, strCustomer As String Dim strAddress As String, strZip As String, strEst As String


Sub TestMacro()
Dim dblRow As Double, dtDate As Date, strCustomer As String
Dim strAddress As String, strZip As String, strEst As String
    dblRow = InputBox("What Row to Enter On")
    dtDate = InputBox("Date", , Date)
    strCustomer = InputBox("Customer")
    strAddress = InputBox("Address")
    strZip = InputBox("Zip Code")
    strEst = InputBox("Estimated Value")
    Range("A" & dblRow).Value = dtDate
    Range("B" & dblRow).Value = strCustomer
    Range("C" & dblRow).Value = strAddress
    Range("D" & dblRow).Value = strZip
    Range("E" & dblRow).Value = strEst
End Sub


Sub EnterContact()
Dim lastrow As Long, strCust As String, strAddress As String
Dim strTown As String, strZip As String, strPhone As String
Dim strFax As String, strEmail As String, strContact As String
Dim strPrior As String, strOrg As String, strProj As String

With Sheets("Oregon")
    lastrow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1

    strCust = InputBox("Enter Customer")
    strAddress = InputBox("Enter Address")
    strTown = InputBox("Enter Town")
    strZip = InputBox("Enter Zip Code")
    strPhone = InputBox("Enter Phone Number")
    strFax = InputBox("Enter Fax Number")
    strEmail = InputBox("Enter Email Address")
    strContact = InputBox("Enter Contact Name")
    strPrior = InputBox("Enter Priority Level")
    strOrg = InputBox("Enter Organization")
    strProj = InputBox("Enter Projected Dollar Amount")
    Range("A" & lastrow).Value = strCust
    Range("B" & lastrow).Value = strAddress
    Range("C" & lastrow).Value = strTown
    Range("D" & lastrow).Value = strZip
    Range("E" & lastrow).Value = strPhone
    Range("F" & lastrow).Value = strFax
    Range("G" & lastrow).Value = strEmail
    Range("H" & lastrow).Value = strContact
    Range("I" & lastrow).Value = strPrior
    Range("J" & lastrow).Value = strOrg
    Range("K" & lastrow).Value = strProj

Dim LRow As Long
'Find last row in Column A with content
   LRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Row
   Rows("5:" & LRow).Sort Key1:=.Range("C3"), _
      Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
      OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _

    End With
End Sub
