Xquery 将输出从exist db打印到文件

Xquery 将输出从exist db打印到文件,xquery,exist-db,Xquery,Exist Db,我已经在exist数据库上执行了一个xquery。现在,我想将输出打印到csv或excel文件之类的文件中,这是如何实现的 我可以以HTML格式打印输出,但是否有办法生成相同的文件。使用FileModule,它具有序列化功能: file:serialize file:serialize($node-set as node()*, $path as item(), $parameters as xs:string*, $append as xs:boolean) as xs:boolean?




file:serialize file:serialize($node-set as node()*, $path as item(), $parameters as xs:string*, $append as xs:boolean) as xs:boolean? Writes the node set into a file on the file system, optionally appending to it. $parameters contains a sequence of zero or more serialization parameters specified as key=value pairs. The serialization options are the same as those recognized by "declare option exist:serialize". The function does NOT automatically inherit the serialization options of the XQuery it is called from. This method is only available to the DBA role. Parameters: $node-set* The contents to write to the file system. $path The full path or URI to the file $parameters* The serialization parameters specified as key-value pairs $append Should content be appended? Returns: xs:boolean? : true on success - false if the specified file can not be created or is not writable. The empty sequence is returned if the argument sequence is empty. 文件:序列化 文件:序列化($node设置为node()*,$path设置为item(),$parameters设置为xs:string*, $append as xs:boolean)作为xs:boolean? 将节点集写入文件系统上的文件,可以选择附加到该文件$参数包含指定为键=值对的零个或多个序列化参数序列。序列化选项与“declare option exist:serialize”识别的选项相同。该函数不会自动继承调用它的XQuery的序列化选项。此方法仅对DBA角色可用。 参数: $node set*要写入文件系统的内容。 $path文件的完整路径或URI $parameters*指定为键值对的序列化参数 $append是否应追加内容? 返回: xs:boolean?:成功时为true-如果指定的文件无法创建或不可写,则为false。如果参数序列为空,则返回空序列。 参考资料

我猜可以使用exist db中的文件模块来完成,但我找不到任何使用该模块的文档。