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.net 如何强制HttpClient发送连接头?_.net_Vb.net_Http Headers_Dotnet Httpclient - Fatal编程技术网

.net 如何强制HttpClient发送连接头?

.net 如何强制HttpClient发送连接头?,.net,vb.net,http-headers,dotnet-httpclient,.net,Vb.net,Http Headers,Dotnet Httpclient,默认情况下,HttpClient不发送连接保持活动标头。我怎样才能强迫它这样做?我很确定这需要通过反思来实现,但不确定如何实现 类似于下面的问题,但我想知道如何强制HttpClient而不是HttpWebRequest 我需要使用HTTP1.1,所以切换到1.0不是一个选项 编辑1:根据需要添加代码样本 Public Overridable Async Function WebRequestAsync(Url As String, Optional RequestMethod As Requ





  Public Overridable Async Function WebRequestAsync(Url As String, Optional RequestMethod As RequestMethod = RequestMethod.GET, Optional Content As Object = Nothing, _
                                              Optional ContentType As ContentType = ContentType.Default, Optional Accept As String = DefaultAcceptString, _
                                              Optional AdditionalHeaders As NameValueCollection = Nothing, Optional Referer As String = Nothing, _
                                              Optional NoCache As Boolean = False, Optional CustomCookieHandler As Boolean = False, _
                                              Optional OutputBufferKey As String = Nothing, Optional CancellationToken As CancellationToken? = Nothing, _
                                              Optional Attempts As Integer = 2, Optional CanBeCancelled As Boolean = True) _
                                   As Tasks.Task(Of HttpResponseMessage)

    If OutputBufferKey Is Nothing Then OutputBufferKey = Me.OutputBufferKey
    If CancellationToken Is Nothing Then CancellationToken = Me.CancellationToken
    If TypeOf Content Is PostData Then Content = Content.ToString

    If Attempts < 1 Then Attempts = 1

    Dim Method As HttpMethod = Nothing
    Select Case RequestMethod
      Case Variables.RequestMethod.DELETE : Method = HttpMethod.Delete
      Case Variables.RequestMethod.GET : Method = HttpMethod.Get
      Case Variables.RequestMethod.OPTIONS : Method = HttpMethod.Options
      Case Variables.RequestMethod.POST : Method = HttpMethod.Post
      Case Variables.RequestMethod.PUT : Method = HttpMethod.Put
    End Select

    'prepare message
    Dim Message As New HttpRequestMessage(Method, Url)
    Message.Headers.ExpectContinue = False
    If Accept IsNot Nothing Then Message.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Accept", Accept)
    If Referer IsNot Nothing Then Message.Headers.Add("Referer", Referer)
    If NoCache Then
      Message.Headers.Add("Pragma", "no-cache")
      Message.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
    End If
    If AdditionalHeaders IsNot Nothing Then
      For Each Key In AdditionalHeaders.AllKeys
        Message.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(Key, AdditionalHeaders(Key))
    End If

    'set content
    If RequestMethod = Variables.RequestMethod.POST Then
      Dim ContentTypeString As String = GetEnumDescription(ContentType)

      Dim ContentBytes As Byte() = New Byte() {}

      If Content IsNot Nothing Then
        If TypeOf Content Is String Then
          ContentBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(CType(Content, String))
        ElseIf TypeOf Content Is Byte() Then
          ContentBytes = CType(Content, Byte())
        ElseIf TypeOf Content Is MultiPartPostData Then
          Dim MultiPartPostData As MultiPartPostData = CType(Content, MultiPartPostData)
          ContentBytes = MultiPartPostData.Bytes
          ContentTypeString += "; boundary=" & MultiPartPostData.Boundary
        End If
      End If

      Dim ByteArrayContent As New ByteArrayContent(ContentBytes)
      ByteArrayContent.Headers.Add("Content-Type", ContentTypeString)
      Message.Content = ByteArrayContent
    End If

    Output(OutputBufferKey, RequestMethod.ToString & " " & Url, OutputType.Debug)

    'Set cancellation token

    Dim TimeoutToken As New CancellationTokenSource
    If CancellationToken IsNot Nothing AndAlso CancellationToken.HasValue AndAlso CanBeCancelled Then TimeoutToken = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(CancellationToken.Value)
    TimeoutToken.CancelAfter(CInt(DefaultTimeout * 1.2))

    'get response
    Dim Response As HttpResponseMessage = Nothing
    For Attempt = 1 To Attempts
        Response = Await Client.SendAsync(Message, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead, TimeoutToken.Token).ConfigureAwait(False)
      Catch ex As Exception When TypeOf ex Is HttpRequestException OrElse TypeOf ex Is Tasks.TaskCanceledException
        If ex.InnerException IsNot Nothing Then
          If DebugMode Then Output(OutputBufferKey, Method.ToString & " " & Url & " " & ex.InnerException.Message, OutputType.Error)
          If ex.InnerException.Message = "Timed out" Then Continue For
          If DebugMode Then Output(OutputBufferKey, Method.ToString & " " & Url & " " & ex.Message, OutputType.Error)
        End If
      Catch ex As Exception
        If DebugMode Then Output(OutputBufferKey, Method.ToString & " " & Url & " " & ex.Message, OutputType.Error)
      End Try

      Exit For

    If Response IsNot Nothing Then
      Output(OutputBufferKey, Method.ToString & " " & Url & " " & Response.StatusCode & " " & Response.StatusCode.ToString, OutputType.Debug)
      If CustomCookieHandler AndAlso Cookies IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim Values As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing
        If Response.Headers.TryGetValues("Set-Cookie", Values) Then ManuallyExtractCookies(Values, New Uri(Url).GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority))
      End If
    End If

    Return Response
  End Function

你能发布你用来发送数据的代码吗?您可能需要一个HttpRequestMessage,您可以在其中设置任何想要的头。@Stefan添加了代码,但据我所知,该头不能手动设置,因为它是一个受限头。设置它的方法是HttpClient的KeepAlive属性。问题是,当设置为true时,只有当设置为false时,才会发送标题。嗯,我明白你的意思,尽管我认为可以使用Message.Headers.Add等设置keep alive。如果没有帮助,反射可能有助于设置一些内部值,但我不知道要设置哪些值。@iguanaman它不会被发送,因为保持活动状态是Http/1.1的默认行为。您不需要为服务器发送保持活动状态标头来保持连接打开。@Darreller谢谢,我知道这一点,但服务器不尊重它,除非出于某种原因发送头。不是我的服务器,所以我唯一的选择是强制发送头。