
如何使用反射在.net中的静态超类函数中获取子类类型对象?,.net,generics,reflection,inheritance,repository,.net,Generics,Reflection,Inheritance,Repository,好的,所以我尝试为数据访问对象创建一个好的超类,它可以生成一个tsql查询来搜索子类的所有公共字符串属性。我想使用反射获取子类的类型,然后遍历对象上的所有公共字符串属性,因为这些属性名称与数据库列名相同。然后,我可以使用这些属性名生成tsql查询 [警告:嘿,我宁愿使用nhibernate,但我无法说服这些人使用它] [我也可以用泛型解决这个问题,但我认为他们觉得泛型很可怕,因为他们是VB.net的家伙,如果我伤害了你的感情,请原谅VB.net偷窥;] 那么基本对象是这样的: public ab





public abstract class RepositoryBase
   public static IList<RepositoryBase> Search()
        //get all public properties of the inheriting subclass
        // I already have the rest of the search code




 public class SqlRepository : IRepository {

        DB _db;

        public SqlRepository(DB dataContext) {
            //override the current context
            //with the one passed in
            _db = dataContext;


        public IQueryable<RepositoryBase> Search() {




 public class SqlRepository : IRepository {

        DB _db;

        public SqlRepository(DB dataContext) {
            //override the current context
            //with the one passed in
            _db = dataContext;


        public IQueryable<RepositoryBase> Search() {








public class Base
    static void Foo() {}

public class Derived : Base {}

class Test
    static void Main()



public class Base
    static void Foo() {}

public class Derived : Base {}

class Test
    static void Main()


我只是在用VB处理你提出的问题。 此代码从西班牙语翻译而来,因此可能包含拼写错误: 例如,它可以这样使用:

Public Sub Main()
   'the SELEC method used below this line is written once and called from every table/class'
   Dim CustList As List(Of CUSTOMER) = CUSTOMER.SELEC("Name = 'Peter'", "Name DESC")
   Dim myOrders As List(Of ORDER) = CustList(0).Orders
   CustList(0).Name = "John"
End Sub

Public Interface ITables 'used solely to unify all the table types'
    '    ReadOnly Property PrimaryKey() As String is better to shadow it from SuperClass TableType'
End Interface

Public Class TableType(Of T As ITables)'this T is what you are looking for'
    Public PrimaryKey As String
    Public Shared Function SELEC(Optional ByVal sWhere As String = "", Optional ByVal sOrderBy As String = "") As List(Of T)
        'shared/static method to fill and return a typed List with the DB rows'
        'can be called using for example Type.SELEC()'
        Dim oConn As New OdbcConnection(My.Settings.ConnectionString)
        Dim oComm As OdbcCommand = oConn.CreateCommand
        oComm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " & GetType(T).Name
        If sWhere.Length > 0 Then oComm.CommandText &= " WHERE " & sWhere
        If sOrderBy.Length > 0 Then oComm.CommandText &= " ORDER BY " & sOrderBy
        Dim oListRet As New List(Of T)
        Dim oDR As OdbcDataReader = oComm.ExecuteReader
        Dim oneRow As T
        Do While oDR.Read
            oneRow = Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(T))
            For i = 0 To oDR.FieldCount - 1
                Dim value = oDR.Item(i)
                If TypeOf value Is DBNull Then value = Activator.CreateInstance(oDR.GetFieldType(i)) ' default value'
                oneRow.GetType.GetProperty(oDR.GetName(i)).SetValue(oneRow, value, Nothing)
        Return oListRet
    End Function

    Public Function UPDATE(Optional ByVal sWhere As String = "") As Integer
        'not shared but one for all tables'
        'working on this, almost finished'
    End Function
    Shared Function fnPropAttribute(ByVal oProp As PropertyInfo, ByVal sAttrName As String) As String
        'working on this. Returns for example the value of the attribute 'Category' of a field'
        Dim attributes As AttributeCollection = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(oProp.DeclaringType)(oProp.Name).Attributes
        Dim myAttribute As CategoryAttribute = CType(attributes(GetType(need to know wth to put here)), CategoryAttribute)
        Return myAttribute.Category
    End Function
End Class 'TableType'

Public Class Tables
    Public Class CUSTOMER
        Inherits TableType(Of CUSTOMER)
        Implements ITables
        Public Shadows Const PrimaryKey As String = "idCust"

        'this returns the List(Of Orders) with my idCust'
        Public ReadOnly Property ORDERs() As List(Of ORDER)
                Return ORDER.SELEC("idCust = " & Me.idCust)
            End Get
        End Property

        Dim _idCust As Integer

        'this Attributes will be used in UPDATE, INSERT, etc'
        'Category 'Columns' is to distingish between DB fields and other possible properties'
        'Description is the ODBCType of the field'
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property idCust() As Integer
                Return _idCust
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _idCust = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _Name As String
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property Name() As String
                Return _Name
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                _Name = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class 'Customer'
    Public Class ORDER
        Inherits TableType(Of ORDER)
        Implements ITables
        Public Shadows Const PrimaryKey As String = "idOrder"

        Dim _idOrder As Integer
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property idOrder() As Integer
                Return _idOrder
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _idOrder = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _idCust As Integer
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property idCust() As Integer
                Return _idCust
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _idCust = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _Artic As String
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property Artic() As String
                Return _Artic
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                _Artic = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class 'Order'
End Class 'Tables'

我只是在按照你的建议工作。 此代码从西班牙语翻译而来,因此可能包含拼写错误: 例如,它可以这样使用:

Public Sub Main()
   'the SELEC method used below this line is written once and called from every table/class'
   Dim CustList As List(Of CUSTOMER) = CUSTOMER.SELEC("Name = 'Peter'", "Name DESC")
   Dim myOrders As List(Of ORDER) = CustList(0).Orders
   CustList(0).Name = "John"
End Sub

Public Interface ITables 'used solely to unify all the table types'
    '    ReadOnly Property PrimaryKey() As String is better to shadow it from SuperClass TableType'
End Interface

Public Class TableType(Of T As ITables)'this T is what you are looking for'
    Public PrimaryKey As String
    Public Shared Function SELEC(Optional ByVal sWhere As String = "", Optional ByVal sOrderBy As String = "") As List(Of T)
        'shared/static method to fill and return a typed List with the DB rows'
        'can be called using for example Type.SELEC()'
        Dim oConn As New OdbcConnection(My.Settings.ConnectionString)
        Dim oComm As OdbcCommand = oConn.CreateCommand
        oComm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " & GetType(T).Name
        If sWhere.Length > 0 Then oComm.CommandText &= " WHERE " & sWhere
        If sOrderBy.Length > 0 Then oComm.CommandText &= " ORDER BY " & sOrderBy
        Dim oListRet As New List(Of T)
        Dim oDR As OdbcDataReader = oComm.ExecuteReader
        Dim oneRow As T
        Do While oDR.Read
            oneRow = Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(T))
            For i = 0 To oDR.FieldCount - 1
                Dim value = oDR.Item(i)
                If TypeOf value Is DBNull Then value = Activator.CreateInstance(oDR.GetFieldType(i)) ' default value'
                oneRow.GetType.GetProperty(oDR.GetName(i)).SetValue(oneRow, value, Nothing)
        Return oListRet
    End Function

    Public Function UPDATE(Optional ByVal sWhere As String = "") As Integer
        'not shared but one for all tables'
        'working on this, almost finished'
    End Function
    Shared Function fnPropAttribute(ByVal oProp As PropertyInfo, ByVal sAttrName As String) As String
        'working on this. Returns for example the value of the attribute 'Category' of a field'
        Dim attributes As AttributeCollection = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(oProp.DeclaringType)(oProp.Name).Attributes
        Dim myAttribute As CategoryAttribute = CType(attributes(GetType(need to know wth to put here)), CategoryAttribute)
        Return myAttribute.Category
    End Function
End Class 'TableType'

Public Class Tables
    Public Class CUSTOMER
        Inherits TableType(Of CUSTOMER)
        Implements ITables
        Public Shadows Const PrimaryKey As String = "idCust"

        'this returns the List(Of Orders) with my idCust'
        Public ReadOnly Property ORDERs() As List(Of ORDER)
                Return ORDER.SELEC("idCust = " & Me.idCust)
            End Get
        End Property

        Dim _idCust As Integer

        'this Attributes will be used in UPDATE, INSERT, etc'
        'Category 'Columns' is to distingish between DB fields and other possible properties'
        'Description is the ODBCType of the field'
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property idCust() As Integer
                Return _idCust
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _idCust = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _Name As String
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property Name() As String
                Return _Name
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                _Name = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class 'Customer'
    Public Class ORDER
        Inherits TableType(Of ORDER)
        Implements ITables
        Public Shadows Const PrimaryKey As String = "idOrder"

        Dim _idOrder As Integer
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property idOrder() As Integer
                Return _idOrder
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _idOrder = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _idCust As Integer
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property idCust() As Integer
                Return _idCust
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _idCust = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _Artic As String
        <Category("Columns"), Description("CHAR")> _
        Public Property Artic() As String
                Return _Artic
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                _Artic = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class 'Order'
End Class 'Tables'
